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  • kratom, i see a bunch on amazon, what do u recommend powder, extract, how many grams should I get for a few doses
    Beware though, its stronger than you may think (4 hoursish) abnormally long. And abnormally powerful. In a complete good way, unlike some of the stuff, some of it gets you too fucked up in a completely negative way
    Okay so I cant PM you, I'll just put it here, its not to big a deal. Heres the deal though. The best stuff is called stoopid. If you get into this stuff dont EVER buy mad hatter. Worst high ever. Stoopid(Names kinda not appealing lol, but I promise there are no short term effects.. Jamming research chemicals down your throat is the same on a health basis I would assume) The high is just the best. I don't even mean as a weed alternative. Whatever is in stoopid I can see being a BIG underground drug. The high is better than any smokable thing I've smoked. Everyone I know whos smoked it agrees.. Theres no 'smoking too much' like the other incenses.. Its just the nicest, best high you could ever hope for and its legal.. Cheap.. Whatever drug is in there I WILL FIND OUT what it is, and I will buy it even if stoopid goes out of existence..

    They also sell 9 gram bags, I gave you a link to the 3 gram
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