check out my update pics and tell me if my plant having a cal/mag lock out leaves starting to get yellowish spots if so how long after giving her some cal/mag will it take to get her back on track i let some sit over night and gave it to her this morning before lights off
your totally right man i think the plants will do great under lights. I wanna use the t5 to get them goin then as you said metal halide. The other thing i asked another rollitup friend the own over and he said with the two tents if i harvested every 4 weeks it would be like me just doing it for the money and not actually doing the right way. He says would take a few more weeks then that for the plants to actually do it right and do the caring way haha.
That be insane harvesting every four weeks sounds like a dream haha. So no MH and HPS for veg? Someone said HPS and MH or more towards MH and Hps for secondary for veg. And what i meant was that i read online it said that those big bright lights are hard on the plants to do there natural thing grow and use the nutrients. Wish i could show ya were i read that.
Yea i got two friends with the grow tents one has a singe one thjat just does like idk 8 plants or so. Came out great with just 1000 HPS. The thing is i tell my step dad about these guys getting two ounces off those plants and he laughs. Is there possible I could be getting a lot more with a different set up or what you think?
hey what up i saw your post on the 600 club man your stuff is looken good. This will be my first outdoor year but if i do well i wanna put my skills inside. I read that high powered lights are hard the plants to use and vitalize all of the nutrients to work the way its supposed to.
But none the less i wanna get two double wide grow tents and do one for flower and Veg. How do you think i should go about it? Two 600hps in each tent? I herd MH helps a lot during veg.
no u havent heled me at all i jus seen u where on and i sent it to u i hope its not a bother i jus really tryin to get this to work and i need someone to help me out if u can i would seriously appreciate it..its my first grow i had 6 and only 3 germenated and started growing...and pics il try to put some up in next 2 or 3 days..
I have 3 lil gurls that are about an inch if that out of the seed lookin nice and green but there begining first 2 leaves seem to be curling in, need help plz dont noe if this bad???and im also runing them ona 14 light 10 night on a 600 wat balast 3 feet away with a nice fan cooling the room should they be on a diffrent time??? plzz help...