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  • Yes I have grown poppies under Flouro's. For soil I have used Miracle Grow Organic potting soil, with perlite mixed in. You are right poppies like loose soil. When I lived in Louisiana and I grew outside I would have to remove the top 8" of soil and add my own. I had to do this cause Louisiana soil sucks, its mostly clay. Now I live back in Illinois and outdoor growing is normally as easy as throwing out some seeds and thats it. But if you want to do it that way the best method for broadcasting(throwing)the seeds is to mix your seeds with sand. You do this cause of how tiny poppy seeds are. Its hard to reach into a bag of just seeds and toss them out and have them evenly distributed. With the sand mixed in you can reach in grab a handful and toss it out ensuring a more spread out planting. This way you wont have a clump of poppies in some places and no poppies in other places.
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