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  • Using the Samsung calculator I done a thread on brightest most efficient.

    Not sure if it's correct as on paper only.
    Your the only one on here that seems to know the correct values.

    Any advice on future builds what strip you found most efficient,

    Built two 12 strips Samsung S02 hinflux, running off a 185 C1400B. For 4 x 2 area.

    Next build was going to use the L06 hinflux
    As they seemed best.
    LO6 are usually best value per diode. Check deals on arrow as you may get the L09 cheaper. hinflux is the top branded single spectrum strip. IVe yet to properly test the gen3 Eb strips at the current price vs performance, i will be doing so soon.
    How would the different fixtures compare to the hlg r specc? I also see that you have the lumatek pro 600 and ive been looking at that one alot. How would your strip builds with 10x strips for a total of 1280 diodes compare to the 2700 on the lumatek? I had to write 2 posts cause of the letter limit :)
    the Lumatek PRO light is the most efficient light we sell. Nothing beats that.
    So you think i should buy 4x lumatek PRO instead of diy with strips, cobs or boards?
    Hey! i just saw your website. I am looking for some led lights, just ordered 8x 260 r specc kits for a 244x244cm tent but i have another 244x244cm space that i still need lights for. I was looking at your strips, cobs and boards but how much would it cost each 1.2 or 1.5 m2? plan to run co2 and want to get as much as i can for the limited space.
    4 of the lumatek 600w lights or 4 of the Scope-550s. We used to sell the HLG products. We dont anymore....
    I already ordered the hlgs but i want to know how many of your diy strips that is needed to get the equal or better light over 1.2x1.2 and 1.5x1.5m. Also how much it would cost me everything included. I got a 244x244cm tent i need to fill with light so it would be awesome to know how much it would cost for qbs and cobs aswell so i can choose which route i should take,
    i really like the strips but if cobs and boards are alot cheaper i would definatly consider thoose aswell. I know the strips arent in stock but im not really in a hurry and ive seen you around the forum so i know you are an expert and would trust your opinion and products :)
    Hi there! I'm writing from Spain, do you ship over here? I'm interested on some cxb3590, with heatsink, adapter and lens.
    I would need 8 of em
    I am looking at the Hlg-480H-54a driver for running two qb96 elite v2 in Parallel. Looking at the output of this driver it is listed at 4.4 - 8.9A(adjustable). HLG’s website lists the max for the 96s as 4.2 amps(4200Ma) .So my question is wouldn’t this driver overdrive this lights even at the lowest current setting ?
    No but Use a hlg-320h-54a
    No. Think of voltage as push and current (amps) as pulling. The boards will only pull as much as they are rated for. Why not use the 54 B model though? Solder on a 100k potentiometer with some heat shrink. Makes dimming easier imo.
    Hello i seen where u posted not to run cxm22's in series as it doesnt fill driver properly i would like to know more if you could elaborate i am about to get 10 of them but was going to push them hard at around 100w each
    When running cmx 22 in drivers there will always be fv left on the driver. When you use parallel with 48a drivers. You get every bit of fv and current out of the drivers. No chance of thermal runaway. Not all 48a drivers fit the cxm22, always read the test report.
    Hi was wondering if you have any experience our know if these are as good as hlg boards
    invisiblesunled quantum-boards thanks
    Do your research. The answer will become clear.
    Thanks man
    Hello. Sent you a email for a quote. Would be great to hear back from you my man.
    Hello. I was wondering if you could help me figure out what other light is best for my setup in addition to the one I already have. I have a 100x100x200 tent and a chinese dimmable COB 1800w light that draws 340w from the wall.
    Email the website please I'm no longer a vendor on here.
    Hi diyled. Please could you advise how I can drop the room temperature a bit? I'm running my new lights with a 4" extractor, but I'm wondering if I can drive the lights a bit less. Do I hold the wattage button till it dims? How do you turn them back up. Will this affect growth? Sorry, I just don't want to damage anything. Lol. Cheers pal.
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    Lower your I take temps. If you are recurculating air you need to extract outside. If you are already doing this then open a window in the room your tents in. Dimming will just lower yield, get the route cause of the problem sorted by lowering intake temps.

    To dim just use a small screw driver in the dim Io hole on the driver and turn.
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