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  • hey thanks for the predator bug advice! What type did you get for spider mites? I feel like it might be a rather constant source of issue where i live, so probably a good thing to start some experience with
    Will dichlorvos work on russet mites as well? I think that's what I have instead of spider mites.
    i dont think so man, but the russets weren't that bad for me.
    try buying pure lavender oil, and a single drop of dawn ultra.
    I got my oil from amazon, a company called radha.
    Get a bottle of that, and add 5-10 drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle, then a drop of dawn ultra, then spray like mad, undersides and topsides.
    go with 5 drops first, and if that doesn't work go up to 10.
    Growing under 400 watt hps 20 inches from top of tallest plant air cooled homemade hood temperature stays between,74and 85degrees, running homemade co2
    I ph my water to 6.5when I water and feed have fed 2x and give each plant 1/1/2 cups water every other day
    I'm growing in 2gallon containers plants are 4 weeks old from seed have been feeding Neptunes harvest and super thrive 1/2 strength flipped plants,3days ago to make room for my dwc setup when I flipped them the next day noticed yellow spots on one plants headspace pics on my threats please help one of 12 plants has yellow spots
    Ok I started with 2 30lb bags of an organic potting soil with earthworm castings 20% 80%humus 0.05n 0.05p 0.05k to that I added 10 of composted cow manure,perilite,a large bag of coco,and a bag of earthworm castings,to that I added another soil mix that had dolimite lime,humus,sand,and composted rice hulls
    I have been feeding super thrive and Neptunes harvest because I didn't think I had enough in my soil to feed my plants question is do i and is there anything I should be adding to my soil I'm not adding I'm trying to do a no till garden
    hey, so in my experience no-tills are better off built with LOTS of aeration, and a meal-based nutrient mix, heavy on the humus, castings.
    The neptunes harvest is a lil light on potassium
    hard to say what is wrong with them without pics and more information.
    what size container are they in, how old are they, when transplanted, etc, etc.
    Composted,rice hulls,sand,humus,worm castings,and dolimite lime I'm about 4 weeks into the grow and have one plant that has yellow spots on the leaves
    I have a question I'm running a soil run under a 400 watt hps my soil consists of perlite,coco,composted manure,comp
    knew ya'd be back brother. Hows the lil one doing?
    Good man hes a boy his way or no way lol. This is acutally my wifes username. So i figured why not use it. But i am going to stay behind the scenes and just lurk for awhile and stay out of trouble lol. Pm me as.i cant pm
    Hey bro! I just ordered 2 400w led's to add to my 1000w hps. Not gonna lie I'm anxious to see how they help.
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    Reactions: greasemonkeymann
    whats up man, yea I've wanted to do the LEDs for a while now, I just got a beefy 10k 600w Mh bulb with a TON of extra UV so i'm hoping that'll work out nicely with my 600 w HPS
    Nice, lemme know how that works for you. I'm gonna keep my uv bulbs in there with the led's,and hps. I'm hoping for great results. I'm running 6 more girls this time so more lights were needed
    Thank you for all your posts. I have fell in love with growing (Im not a HUGE smoker,) and your info on organics has really helped me find the light, so to speak.

    I wanted to do some sort of comparison..Chem vs Organic vs (Bottled Organic, Nectar For The Gods)
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    Reactions: greasemonkeymann
    thank your for the appreciation, i'm here just during my shop hours and like to solve problems, so any help that I may have is all yours
    I have it mounted inside a king cobra predator 8 inch hood without the hood glass..the plants sit 3 inches from the water tube with a 1000 watt Hortilux super blue dual spectrum bulb...I use a 430 gallon res tank in my garage that is hooked up to a 3100 gph pump that runs to a 20 by 18 inch air cooled water radiator... A 24 inch fan 8500 cfm cools the radiator ..its just a huge icebox
    I love my FrescaSol Platinum water cooled light...using it for a year now..don't use alcohol ...water is the best way...I can tell you what works and what doesn't with a water cooled light..
    i have a 35 day old batch of subcools supersoil cooking in 50 gal. trashcans with the roots organic bags duct tapped to the top cause i have no lids, i look through the little holes all the time but i still have'nt seen white whitch i'm told not to trip on cause it can grow under the surface but i do see a little green fungus or mold. is this good or bad, and if it's bad how bad and what should i do?
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