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  • G,day paid for an order,no email confirmation, money has left my account, have sent emails for a week no reply ?
    Hey i made an order and never got a confirmation email. The money was taken out so i dont know what to do.
    Hey, please send me a PM with your email address/name or send us an email to orders@haze.io so we can take a look at this!
    Do I have to private message you on the website or on here for entry into the easter egg hunt giveaway?
    I replied to your message just now. Sorry for the delay. Easter is quite mad here :)
    Going to be a first time buyer through you guys. Actually going to be my first time buying seeds online in gen and i chose your site to be my choice but im on a very small budget ($25.00not including shipping) looking for a quantity amount of seeds for that price was hoping you could possibly send me a link to the right part of your site to find affordable seeds? Also do you have any promo codes?
    Hey I wrote in your thread earlier today. My email is sw081580@gmail.com I left a email to customer support explaining the situation, they emailed me back saying that it should be in the mail the next day (which is today) and they would send me a varification email.
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    Reactions: JayBaker
    Hey! Let me have a look into that. I'm sure we can fix this issue as soon as possible!
    nice to see good guys around and love that you guys are helping out doing giveaways and stuff. I just wanted to let you know that the site is a lot different than most im used to. The pictures are small, also the pics are half cut off in strains. little icons on the bottom of the pics are strange. you have to know what they all mean. more pictures ;). No disrespect. Thanks for joining our community.
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    Reactions: JayBaker
    Thanks for the great feedback! Although we enjoy being a little different, you have a valid point here! Personally, the pictures haven bothering me for a long time - lets change this! :)
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