I am growing a white widow now and some fan leaves have had that little extra leaf growing from the center- may be the strain genetics- i just flipped so i will see if any develop like this-
I get live ladybugs to patrol my plants during flowering- they like to run around the top edge of the pots so I swipe a tiny amount of blackstrap molasses there and they are happy eating that if there are no mites.
Any amount of mold is too much mold-
As rob j said- mold spores exists everywhere-
the just need the correct conditions to actually grow. So controlling the environment will effectively control the mold. As frustrating as it is - toss anything that has mold immediately- in an outdoor garbage...
It is a drag for sure- but this is farming- things happen. Trim- dry and enjoy it in a few weeks.
I look at these happenings as an opportunity to learn- like how is the early bud compared to the later harvested bud? Plant should be fine