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  1. R

    What problem is this?

    Im currently using the Micro Gro Bloom by GH im at the Transition to bloom where its 10 ML of each one and im adding Rapid Start Cal Mag Silica and Ph’ing down to 6.3 - 6.5 Range….
  2. R

    What problem is this?

    I figured obviously the plant will let me know if i over do it or not but its always good to get confirmation from good growers
  3. R

    What problem is this?

    So I transplanted it to a 7 gallon pot how many gallons should i feed it to safely not overfeed
  4. R

    What problem is this?

    So just give it regular ph’d water?
  5. R

    What problem is this?

    I see ill stop using it until the buds are starting to form
  6. R

    What problem is this?

    what do you suggest?
  7. R

    What problem is this?

    Should i just keep feeding it the base nutrients and stop the Kool Bloom and Floralicious Plus
  8. R

    What problem is this?

    Its getting dry its still a tad bit wet….
  9. R

    What problem is this?

    Thats what i figured just had some doubts….I have fed it once the soil is dry and kept it cool and ventilated along with fresh clean air…Should i trim it down?
  10. R

    What problem is this?

    My plant is currently in the first week of flower and I obviously added nutrients needed for flower(kool bloom and floralicious plus). So far i have only fed it once and these are my plants at the moment. What problem is this and how can i fix it?
  11. R

    What problem is this?

    Thats some pretty spot on advice thank you so much i really appreciate your help
  12. R

    What problem is this?

    Is that so it can absorb the nutrients and bacteria from the new soil?
  13. R

    What problem is this?

    I see I usually wait till it’s light weight then transplant it ame drench the bottom of the soil and mix it and then drench the bottom of the roots and around it with some great white powder mix
  14. R

    What problem is this?

    What do you mean by rough up your root ball? excuse my ignorance
  15. R

    What problem is this?

    I try and do it like you say but my leafs start to drop causing it to stress
  16. R

    What problem is this?

    Ill take some pictures tonight so you can see my problem and how to help me with it....Can i?
  17. R

    What problem is this?

    Anything else i can put on it or the neem oil is enough?
  18. R

    What problem is this?

    How many days should i spray it for?...i started this past saturday
  19. R

    What problem is this?

    I got some Neem Oil... Hows the schedule for it?
  20. R

    What problem is this?

    Someone had said Hydrogen Peroxide does the trick is that true?