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  1. blackforest

    MaiNiaK's Hydro

    Have you checked the roots on the plants in hydro? That's where they grow and live. They will look like black dots all over the root system. If they are in the root system, the only thing I've heard of being effective is Mallat which I believe in on the banned list here in CO. (for...
  2. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    I'm going to breed my goji og and the fuzz. I'll make sure you get some of those!
  3. blackforest

    How to use hydroguard?

    Seems like there is so much to learn. I think it's awesome we have a resource like riu to keep checking with each other. Could you imagine how long it would take to learn all of this by trial and error alone? I can't tell you how many times I'm reading a thread and get an answer to a question...
  4. blackforest

    How to use hydroguard?

    I used to use 2ml/gal, but noticed I needed to add a little more around day 5 of 7 since I change out every week. 3ml/gal seems to go 7-10 days. Just what I've noticed for my system over a gillion feedings.
  5. blackforest

    How to use hydroguard?

    That's 4ml/gal. Twice as much as recommended. The conversion 3.78 liters per gallon so basically 4 liters per gallon. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  6. blackforest

    MaiNiaK's Hydro

    I don't know how I missed this thread when it was first started, but I'm hooked. Looks stellar! I love your system, very nice. Sounds like you had to do some quick sourcing for your ladies. Looks like they are coming along very nicely. There is nothing to critique about your grow, it's on point...
  7. blackforest

    How to use hydroguard?

    I always put it in first. 3ml/gal
  8. blackforest

    Brown film on roots

    It only took me 3 hydro cycles to figure that out myself. My ph would drop to the low 5's and they stop drinking until I bring it back up to high 5's, low 6's. It would take me a week to remember what was going on...
  9. blackforest

    Brown film on roots

    You can like a comment by clicking on 'like' in the lower right of each post. There is a 'like' and 'reply' link in each post. As for ro water, I use a ro filter because my ppm out of the tap is about 350ppm. You don't need one with a ppm that low to be honest. I got mine on ebay for like $100...
  10. blackforest

    Brown film on roots

    For hydroguard, I like 3ml/gal. bottle says 2 i believe. Nice thing about h2o2 is that it will evaporate after a short time, so you can sterilize your system and then add the hydroguard after it's evaporated. For calmag, I only use 2ml/gal all the way through, and I do use ro water too...
  11. blackforest

    SinCity Seeds Info Thread

    I just let my ihg cherry gorilla go 69 days. Huge distinct difference from the mom I cut at 60 days. Way more smell (terp production), more finished trics, etc. Mom had hay smell for 1 day during drying which is typical, it went away. No hay smell at all this batch. Has a licorice funk smell...
  12. blackforest

    SinCity Seeds Info Thread

    I need that smoke report! 6 in rdwc on the way!
  13. blackforest

    Brown film on roots

    H2o2 will kill the hydroguard since it's a bacteria. So it's one or the other. Everything else looks good. Once you've decided on sterile (h2o2) or beneficial: hydroguard it will take a couple days to 'recover' and show new growth. As long as they don't continue to decline in health. If the...
  14. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    Ok, that makes sense. I'm sure it's F. I used to get hash in Germany when I lived there in high school. I remember it being super hard, sometimes thin like a hershey bar. That's what I want. It would be cool to press a logo or shape into the bars. I just imagine a freezer stocked with hash...
  15. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    You have been awarded a trophy: Addicted Yeah, that about sums it up lol.
  16. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    I saw someone on a video making it and he as around 200 degrees I want to say.
  17. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    I didn't even see your reply before I shot one out. Yeah, that's what I'm figuring.
  18. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    I'm thinking if they dye is a metal block with a press from HF like you said I would just heat the outside with a torch and use my laser thermometer to measure the temp. I would think that block would hold heat well and distribute it evenly. I'm trying to be cheap as always. Gotta find a way to...
  19. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    I don't think there is a learning curve to be honest because rdwc is basically just one big dwc. Super easy to change out and re-fill and I would think a larger volume would be more stable too. Literally building my new one this weekend. Exciting times!
  20. blackforest

    DWC to Perpetual

    I'm working on it my friend. I don't like bho, but live rosin is pretty good. I'm just going to collect a bunch of keif and create a dye and press it with heat.