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    Diy [Rdwc] Question

    Lol sorry about that wasn't very descriptive. I've primarily grown own doors with soil and with large smart pots pulling 2lbs a plant which is why I only need 1 or 2 plants a year normally. But I was unsure about netpots with larger plants
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    Diy [Rdwc] Question

    No if you want specifics. Im doing a 5x5x6 tent with 1 1000w system. And i would like to grow 1 very large plant Rdwc. It will be nute adjusted and all my question was only with construction of netpot to be able to fit this large of a plant
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    Diy [Rdwc] Question

    Im looking to build just one large system for 1 plant. I would like it to be big enough to last from seed to harvest. And I will be vegging for 2.5 to 3mo to beef it out. My question lies with the net pots. They only sell 10in net pots as the biggest and i highly doubt it'll be able to hold the...