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  1. buttery420

    getting warmer on the liers

    Once again with all arguments aside as to whether or not climate change is anthropogenic or not, are you not concerned about the level of pollution we're breathing in? Acid rain? The increasing instances of toxic river systems etc. Is it not in our best interests to attempt to decrease this...
  2. buttery420

    What do gays really want?

    The mere fact that you chose to use down-syndrome as an example is very telling about your attitude. The appeal to nature fallacy is usually used to criticize things like the homeopathic industry and encompasses ideas such as anything "un-natural" is bound to have negative consequences. I don't...
  3. buttery420

    A Different Angle to the Homosexual Debate

    Why? Everyone has the right to protest. Because the person identifies as a female, trapped in a males body or vise-versa. Perhaps because you identify as a male? and I get it, you're straight...congrats That's an entirely different issue.
  4. buttery420

    getting warmer on the liers

    I think in the current economy it's going to be a matter of consumer demand so reduction's will and are beginning to happen because consumers recognize the issue and refuse to buy certain products. All negotiations have turned to shit because developing nations, who have contributed little in...
  5. buttery420

    Flower: 4 Weeks, 3 Days

    Looking nice :) How many plants and how many lights/watts?
  6. buttery420

    What do gays really want?

    Did you honestly just compare an individuals sexual orientation to severe mental disability? What you imply above and in many other instances is utterly insulting and wrong. Can you not imagine, given what you just said, why the gay community would seek to be understood? Prostitution is a job...
  7. buttery420

    How many seeds per plant?

    How many seeds on average can you expect to get from a pollinated female?
  8. buttery420

    What do gays really want?

    Respect to the people who have the patience to respond to this shit. If anything brings sorrow it's the crap you spew out.
  9. buttery420

    A Pro Obama Thread

    Does anyone who's calling Obama a socialist care to define socialism? Just out of curiosity.
  10. buttery420

    trichs mostly cloudy

    You've only got a couple of weeks left so I wouldn't be worried unless it's with other plants in which case I would put it outside for the duration or harvest now.
  11. buttery420

    Obama FOOLED you all! pawned!

    At the expense of the little guy. You just described a drug cartel. In a free market economy corporations will simply be less accountable for their actions, because they're not accountable to the government and therefor not to the electorate. For example, can you imagine any sort of action...
  12. buttery420

    Obama FOOLED you all! pawned!

    What do you mean for the wrong purpose? Because the assault isn't motivated simply by blind prejudice. You are not likely to be attacked without provocation and certainly not for your appearance or sexuality. Certainly not "transvestite prostitutes"...
  13. buttery420

    Just Started Growing, Would Like Help

    It's going to have a noticeable smell if you want to grow to harvest, generally it's a bad idea to grow at your parents house and I wouldn't do it out of respect but if you're going to do it I would start by decreasing your watering regime (wait until the soil gets nice and dry, don't water...
  14. buttery420

    Obama FOOLED you all! pawned!

    Did I mention anything about criminalizing the discriminatory social commentary you offered? I am simply asking that one day people look at the shit you write and laugh. No one is forcing their lifestyle down your throat, on the contrary this is something you want to do by criticizing people...
  15. buttery420

    Advice needed for fertilising +rep

    Great advice! Thanks bro, rly needed that rough estimate in ml. Off to do it now : ) Good to know they kick ass :p thought paying a little extra wouldn't hurt considering what I payed for the set-up :S thx again.
  16. buttery420

    Obama FOOLED you all! pawned!

    Johnny, law reform won't change this sort of attitude...racism, homophobia etc. for example we have laws against hate crime, but this still occurs on a frequent basis because as you should know making something illegal doesn't stop it from happening. When I speak of revolution I'm alluding to...
  17. buttery420

    Advice needed for fertilising +rep

    Sorry it's actually terra-vega by canna. It's a range popular in hydro but they make ferts for soil as well. Don't have to dilute twice. I was wondering after I have diluted the solution how much I should add to a 1 gallon pot. 500ml's? 200? I'm growing in soil + perlite & vermiculite. lol I...
  18. buttery420

    My bud smells like urine :\

    Sweet : ), thx. Was just looking up some info on the strain, seems pretty potent, glad I decided to fertilise her :P
  19. buttery420

    My bud smells like urine :\

    I have a plant from bagseed that has produced thicker and fluffier pistons and the bud smells like urine (not the leaves). Was wondering if anyone could take a guess as to what strain this is?
  20. buttery420

    Advice needed for fertilising +rep

    So I recently purchased canna-tera fertiliser and was wondering, after I have diluted it how many ml's would I put into a 1 gallon pot? I don't have a ppm or ec meter so I'm going to have to do this by estimate. Any idea's? Cheers in advance.