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  1. workinit

    PH of Fox Farms OF?

    Anyone know what the soil PH of FFOF might be? Thanks in advance.
  2. workinit

    PH Question

    Hi all, At what point does PH begin to cause the plant to lockout Nitrogen?
  3. workinit

    could I get some advice?

    If you have ever grown DP Blueberry u know what I mean by mutants. Blueberry is famous for very deformed plants. Crazy leaf structure. If you google DP Blueberry mutants there are a few posts around discussing this and some with pics.
  4. workinit

    could I get some advice?

    Hi all, this is my first post here so please be gentle. I am currently growing DP Blueberry. I have two fems flowering with clones of each just starting to root. I started the moms from seed in Miracle Grow organic (big mistake). Every time I watered the leaves would yellow and growth would...