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  1. Bgoodeh

    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    Looking for suggestions on quality strains for Ontario. Prefer finish time late August early September. Any suggestions folks......
  2. Bgoodeh

    how do YOU make hash

    Bubble hash bro! Loads of ice a household washing machine and my bags. It's the only way........:-P
  3. Bgoodeh

    Cannabutter Question w/ Pics

    Maybe just very fine plant material? What did ya use to screen it? Its hard to tell as your pics are pretty fuzzy.
  4. Bgoodeh

    Cannabutter Porno!

    Yum Yum ! Indeed ! Been away for awhile, but I'm gonna throw up a bubble hash thread a little later. Gotta find that damned camera.....
  5. Bgoodeh

    Cannabutter Porno!

    Like the title says, just some pornographic images. This is not a tutorial. Feel free to comment, ask questions or add your own pics. I was gonna make this a tutorial but there are already many, and I got all the info I needed here already or elsewhere on the net.:hump::leaf: Made some fabulous...
  6. Bgoodeh

    why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?

    I think the answer you are looking for is that in many parts marijuana is difficult to grow. Hash is more plentiful because it is in greater demand as a result. Also 10lbs of hash can be transported, distributed, smuggled.....etc in ones pants or on ones person. 10lbs of marijuana requires a...
  7. Bgoodeh

    Cooking With Hash Tutorial-Very Potent

    I'll be trying this! +rep I love seeing different ideas. I just did a pound of cannabutter and will post it one day.:hump:
  8. Bgoodeh

    I'm Not F%ckin' around with This Hash Thing Anymore

    Bring this back to the a batch of butter on now, 5hrs. in , and gonna make as much bubble as I can with 7 yard waste(leaf) bags of trim. Starting in the morning. Maybe start a new thread. LOVED this one!!!! Thanks to FDD and the boys at Aqua Labs!!!!!
  9. Bgoodeh

    Boy-Girl...please take this thred seriously

    Consider this Dan Savage I'm a GGG 30-year-old straight male who was quite pleased with your response a while back to a woman who asked if her husband was gay since he enjoyed some stereotypically gay things. You told her that enjoying "gay" things doesn't make a person gay...
  10. Bgoodeh

    5 lbs /per plant

    I believe those are just rings of some sort. Simply to hold the water in. They are most definately in the ground.
  11. Bgoodeh

    Budding & Flowering Photos from 08/09 to 21/09

    Another week maybe 2.
  12. Bgoodeh

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    It's not garbage, it's bubble baggerrific!!!:mrgreen:
  13. Bgoodeh

    I got a little artsy the last time out!

    Couldn't agree with you more. +rep bro!!!
  14. Bgoodeh

    My Cousin Does Graffiti And His Step-mother Got Him Arrested

    Good on the Step Mom. He's a vandal, nothing more.
  15. Bgoodeh

    Our First Time Growing

    Glad to see youre back, and having better luck. As mentioned already, 12hr light to 12hr dark will finish her. Indoors or out. Love to see pics of how youre doing.
  16. Bgoodeh

    SHES WORTH THE WAIT, (*guess yield +rep)

    Hard to tell until it starts to thicken up. But 2-3 per sounds good.
  17. Bgoodeh

    better luck next year ..

    Now just ration yourself to one jar a week and your all set until next year.
  18. Bgoodeh

    what you guys think?

    Very nice! +rep
  19. Bgoodeh

    SS Early Bud - Pink buds forming (canada)

    Had this one last year. Didn't know the strain either. Similar?
  20. Bgoodeh

    My 2009, first post in a long long while.......

    Can't see them well enough in these pics. Or at all for that matter I suppose. I'll get some individual pics tomorrow.