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  1. K

    running lights at night to avoid daytime heat

    The pistols haven't been growing.
  2. K

    running lights at night to avoid daytime heat

    thanks everyone for sharing.. I was about to throw out my garden and start over. I was wondering why they just weren't really budding after 3 weeks at 12 12.. I've wasted so much time and elec.. ill give it a while complete darkness and see what happens. Anyways I'm learning a lot. Thanks
  3. K

    running lights at night to avoid daytime heat

    do you think a little ambient light could kind of mess up the plant from going into full bud mode? I open the door during the day so I can shut down my ventilation fans. also to save elec. I read somewhere that under a certain amount of light the plant can't register it.. But now I think you...
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    running lights at night to avoid daytime heat

    So I run my lights at night to keep the temp down. I've been trying to bud now but the pistols aren't filling in. My qustion is do you think I'm f ing up by opening the tent during the day... the plant get a little ambient light and I think it's the issue, but I hope someone has experienced this...
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    insufficient light?

    my tent is a 5x5 and i water every 2 or 3 days. I've been working the nutes up to 500+ ppm of my 20 20 20 fertiliser. i was giving 200+ ppm. Im just trying to give enough without burning them.. the soil they are in is a mix of rice husk sand and some reg soil with a tiny bit of compost. I didnt...
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    insufficient light?

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    insufficient light?

    yes the light is kinda new they were outside about 2 weeks ago. nutes are general purpose 20 20 20 and i probably haven't been giving
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    insufficient light?

    these arent good genetics. I'm trying to get dialed in before i waste good seeds
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    insufficient light?

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    insufficient light?

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    insufficient light?

    the light is a china made light similar to mars 3000 its in a 5x5 tent the temp about 31c with light on... if i put the light much closer it will start to canoe the leaves. but the point at the light.. do you think i haven't found the sweet spot distance.. they aren't elongated like what could...
  12. K

    insufficient light?

    My new led light i think is not the right spectrum.. my plants leaves don't perk up very much and point upwards when the light is on.. I'm new at growing, but I don't think that is normal.. Shouldn't they perk up towards the light same as they do with natural sun light?
  13. K

    calsium fertiliser question

    dose anyone use calsium nitrate crystals to treat or prevent calsium deficiency? If so how much. or do you use? Do you dissolve it in water or just add to soil.... whats the recipe?? you know cal mag is expensive. and im new grower and have already spent huge money on my setup and seeds. I'd...
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    Marijuana Seeds

    what exactly is stealth shipping? I really want to order from them but Im afraid they put labels on the outside of their packages of seeds.. if they do fedex philippines opens everything. If there is anything related to cannabis it's all over but the crying.
  15. K

    how to use TDS meter

    tap water ph is 6.8 sometimes higher ppm 1800+.. my ro drinking water is 59 ppm and distilled read 0 ppm
  16. K

    how to use TDS meter

    Thanks for the info.. So if your water naturally has 500 ppm you would be adding 300 ppm of nutrients to get a total of 800 ppm... for me the total ppm seems irrelevant because everyone will have different ppm reading on their natural water supply. I suppose I still don't understand something...
  17. K

    how to use TDS meter

    i assume that you need to test the plain tap water then test again after adding your nutrients.. When someone ssys 800 ppm they are referring to the increase from the regular tap water after adding nutes?