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  1. Amber1


    Ok everyone you guys have been very helpful with everything so far. So Im germinating my trainwreck, going good. Im going to order seeds from one of the sites you all have let me know of. Any suggestions on some good one's?:peace: Also is it possible to have my lite to close to them that it...
  2. Amber1

    This Is Going To Be Sick

    Sorry not trying to be nossie, I was veiwing your pic's and you seem to have a lot of know how on this. how long have you been doinging this? did you just learn from others or what? Maybe Im trying to hard.
  3. Amber1

    Train wreck??

    So my girlfriend that i work with said her brother can get me a clone of a straid he picked up in Cali, it's called train wreck . Does anyone have the 411 on this .???
  4. Amber1

    How much lighting will i need ?

    So I'm only doing 4 to 6 plants to start off with, and the room is about 5x10 has 1 window, so how bigg of a lite will i need ( as in watts). Will a 400 watt do ?
  5. Amber1

    Lighting? Buy from local store or better deal on-line?

    :? So will i find a better deal on line for lighting of some kind or should i search around here for a place that will sell that . When i mean around here it's vegas baby. :leaf:
  6. Amber1

    New Adventure need some help.

    thanks I'll try sprouting these and if that doesnt work I'll try one of your guys suggestions.
  7. Amber1

    New Adventure need some help.

    Thanks you guys, When i say i'm new i mean virgin.SO should I go soil & some other media? Is there any good books out there any of you would recomended?
  8. Amber1

    New Adventure need some help.

    So this is all new for me. My ex use to do this and I've always been interested. so if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. i have a few seeds of my own but I've had them for a couple of years .Are the still good to use? If not where can i obtain some at. I look forward to hearing from any...