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  1. edispilf

    Mazar X Great White Shark

    high everyone. I got on this conversation late. I am harvesting my mazarxgws tomorrow. Its tight and covered with goodies. I just took my first early toke from a branch that I took early. It was not fully cured yet but I got anxious for something different tonight. The taste is not fully...
  2. edispilf

    Brown spots on Young plants help please.

    Was this high Ph perhaps? Causing lockout of mag?
  3. edispilf

    LED Light Bleaching?

    yeahman. Like he was saying it kinda depends on the angle of the lens and stuff as to the perfect distance from the tops. More or less you just need to play with it a bit and see what is comfy for you. peacey
  4. edispilf

    LED Light Bleaching?

    Hey man also what hours are you running per day? I try not to run 24 w/LEDS cause the plants need a break from that. run 18/6 if you're not. good luck.
  5. edispilf

    LED Light Bleaching?

    Hey! Not saying that BLOCKER isn't right, but I would raise the LED 6 inches or so and see if that helps. They can definately cause some burn or bleaching. Raise it and try it for a week and see what the new growth looks like. I had to get used to the light before I could mess with the other...
  6. edispilf

    It smells like weed in here!

    Depending on the plant, they can smell very early on in the veg stage. If possible get yourself and inline carbon filter. Also there is small ozone generator for around 90 bucks that works well for small areas. Ozone jr. I think its called. Get something though because it will only get...
  7. edispilf

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    My guess is over watering. Those roots need time to dry out and absorb o2. Its easy to overwater trying to take care of them. I've done it too many times.
  8. edispilf

    is this a problem? cones in DWC

    You can get a very useable digi ph meter off of ebay for 15 bucks.
  9. edispilf

    How long do you hold your hits in for?

    I heard that if you exhale through your nose that you obsorb more thc from the nasal passages. I don't know if thats true or not. It helps with the flavors for sure.