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  1. eyecandi

    Looking for sweet nightmare clones

    ummmm .... FedEx overnight 8am delivery to LA from Denver is $97.38 for under 1lb package ...... at least it was a couple weeks ago ...... just sayin' .....
  2. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    bueno! I was gonna say, stop in afterwards. I'll be here. already pulled the CS generator out for you too. the only thing you'll need is distilled water (not de-I or super filtered. must be distilled with Zero PPM to avoid spoiling the batch and get max shelf life)
  3. eyecandi

    MG Cannas personal grow

    another thought for heat loads and avoiding replacing bulbs all the time - the newer generation of LEDs. I'm playing with one that is the equiv of a 600HID and so far I'm impressed with the results. gotta do the homework and shopping though. i'll never need to replace a bulb :)
  4. eyecandi

    Looking for sweet nightmare clones

    ....... yup ...... gloves (no prints) ... turkey roasting bags (no smells) ..... overnight (no time to pry) ..... (costs $100 though ....) .....
  5. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    team: update on the 'other' project. i'm working on a solution with a friend, where I'll host. but it will take me a few to set it up. thanks for your patience
  6. eyecandi

    MG Cannas personal grow

    looking real nice MG. some good genetics you are playing with :) welcome to the world of RIU
  7. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    very nice and frosty! the BSK sounds like some very interesting smoke. huge calyx stucture
  8. eyecandi

    303 Seeds Shooting Star and Serious Seeds Kali Mist Organic/Supersoil Grow

    great looking finish sir!!! can't wait to hear the smoke report and that badgirl ;)
  9. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    id chop myself, in case something else pops. nada to save anyways. indi - ill be out most of sunday. might be back by afternoon/evening
  10. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    indi - i have a CS generator and silver to loan you. i'll teach you to make a batch. gallon size if u want. BA - u got hermed somewhere. def seeds developing in heavy clusters
  11. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    did you start spraying 2 weeks prior to flowering?
  12. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    yuuuuuumy! some serious pheno hunting to be had with that mix. remember, CS 2 weeks pre-flower until 2-3 weeks into flowering to make sure it works correctly. you can just do one branch (but avoid overspray onto other plants/branches) or an entire plant.
  13. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    VERY well done sir!! congrats on another stellar finish bro :)
  14. eyecandi

    Can u buy seeds in colorado springs?

    welcome GreenPeak! we know budpatch quite well and highly recommend and regard the 303 Seeds brand. can't wait to see you guys spread your wings across the state :)
  15. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    LOL, good to hear bro! bubba mom does the rock hard nuggies too, I love that feature. looks like decent weight too :) can't wait to see how she cures out
  16. eyecandi

    getting rid of clone
  17. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    looking super danky HS!!!! ... or ... you could take a branch or two down now, do the rest later in the week ..... depending on how much she ambers up between now and then, could be a slight different high/effect as well
  18. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    ok peeps, need your input .... Deathstar or Grape Stomper? slight lemony smell so far
  19. eyecandi

    Russet Mites

    neem is systemic and the plant will draw up and incorporate the substance into it's cellular structure. as MS said, be careful on timing so that you aren't smoking it down the road keep this in mind, as I don't think you will get the...
  20. eyecandi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    BA - what is the PH runoff compared to the others? looks like she either had a sudden burst of nutes burn the shit out of her (from flushing/unlocking) or the PH got way out of whack. also: the rail will decrease main weight from the plants that were previously directly under the stationary...