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  1. Ailalelo

    Cob Curing

    I've been fermenting weed for years. I believe my method is easier, I use mason jars and press the weed inside. You can get totally black weed or still greenish, depending on the pressure and the time you use I only use it on landraces or weeds that are not modern stinky hybrids. It seems to...
  2. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    After a week of flowering (14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness), most of the plants are over 50 cm. I expect another week of stretching before flowers start to form. Looking nice.
  3. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I grew Hashplant from Sensi once it degenerated, less than 10 years ago. Very little production, nice taste. I will never plant something from these fraudsters after near a 100% of bad experiences. Probably their hashplant was something nice in the 90s. I keep a Jack from the 90s that is the...
  4. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Hi I use 400W of CXB3590, 50W each. They are expensive for sure, now I'd go with Citizen since efficiency doesn't drop that much while increasing the power output. I've been growing with HPS for 20 years too. I've been using COBs for a year, and they are different to HPS, I'm not used to COBs...
  5. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    The Jack Herer Mextiza I selected, seven weeks after switch. Everything goes faster under COBs, I should have cut N before. My plants are being harvested too green lately because of that. Cheers
  6. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    These are the Mextiza Rebuilt that I planted 3 and a half weeks ago. They look good but since I haven't any space in the growing tent they are under a window. I hope I can make some space in a couple of weeks. Cheers
  7. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Now they are stretching a lot, these are the first days at flowering. I burnt some leaves but the general look is dark green and happyness. Cheers
  8. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    I've been picking seeds out of the plant. I can compare the siblings of two different sativa keepers. Both have been crossed with Mextiza. The little seeds in the left come from La Bella (a cut named after Mario Bellandi, the Delicatessen Seeds breeder) and the ones in the right come from the...
  9. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    There they are, growing happy and fast. Last week I burned some leaves when I mixed potassic soap and Delta9 (flower booster). I've misted them again tonight, I can't leave spider mites to proliferate. I've taken 3 pretty plants out of the tent to have a closer look. The color and the shape of...
  10. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    I've cut the Senegal. Seeds were totally done after near 6 weeks. I have quite a lot and they are the biggest seeds I've ever seen. I really want to know how their spirit mixes, Senegal is a subtle flowery hash and Mextiza reeks to lemon and honey. Cheers
  11. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I've been checking their gender. I can't believe that after looking carefully all the plants, I only found two more males, so I ended up with 34 females. That is much more than I expected, so I might perform some killing between the uglier specimens. I didn't want to take cuttings on this test...
  12. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    These are Senegal, a strain worked by the legendary Spanish breeder Alex La Mano Negra (lmn) who died ten years ago. It is based on Senegal genetics but we believe that he could have hybridized them in some step. I made a selection between a bunch of plants and I kept the stronger, the most...
  13. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Well, I don't know if they are really a cross, since both parents come from the same strain. Anyway, I've had some in the summer (horrible overheated indoors) and the results were promising. They were quite similar to the parents.
  14. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Well, most of the plants are around 40 cm tall. It is going to be a good moment to switch the timer. 9 weeks total between planting and flowering. These are some males I keep. They are under a window, and I hope they will produce some pollen I can freeze. I already killed the ones I didn't...
  15. Ailalelo

    Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

    Hi I'm involved in a breeding project whose main goal is to keep Mextiza alive and healthy. Mextiza is an old hybrid Cannabiogen used to sell. It is made with Oaxaca '79 and Nepal Jam and although it has got some hybridization (it is probably NOT a pure sativa), the effect is so sativish...
  16. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    The roots have colonized the medium, so in any moment I'll put these plants into flower. I've been purging males and I took half a dozen out of the tent. Now I keep 37 taskentis between females and plants with unclear gender. They look quite happy, and the bigger ones are around 40cm tall. I'll...
  17. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    I'll have a look to these reports, thanks. I guess it will be a less worked line, probably without NL influence.
  18. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Thanks! It is nice you already know it. I've been talking to Kaiki before he left the seedbank and went to Colombia. In fact, I sent them the special Taskenti cut I have a couple of times, they wanted to start producing seeds again, but I don't know if they will succeed. They know this cut is...
  19. Ailalelo

    Experienced grower, new in this forum

    Thanks guys. I've started a thread about Taskenti. I'll start another thread about breeding with extreme non-commercial sativas in days to come. It is what I smoke all day long till the night comes and I go back to...
  20. Ailalelo

    Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

    Hello I've been growing clones and seeds from this strain for years. I do so because since I found it, in 2012, it became the model of what a pure indica should be, in my opinion. These plants are productive and strong, but the most important thing, the effect they provide, is unique. It has a...