Dude, poke a hole straight through the sponge with a chop stick, it helps secure the seed and makes it easy for the root to go straight down.
The plant in the pic is 2 weeks old
Yes, I put them in a cup of water for 8 hours, then I put then in moist paper towels. Then I poke a hole straight through to help secure the seed, and helps the roots i guess hehe
UPDATE!! I added Nutes 2 days ago and there seems to be no apparent problem... yet. here they are, the stem of the big one is thiiick! Some of the leaves are a little bent due to the fan, I moved it so the wind hits the wall before the plant now.
The feeding chart on my bottle is different than the one online. Should I go by the one on the bottle?
Floranova Bloom Feeding chart online http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/feeding_charts/GH_KeepItSimple_DrainToWaste.pdf
On the bottle it says 1.25ml