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  1. D

    Organic PH tea at 7.3 - 7.8. Problem? How to correct?

    I don't know my teas, which is why I spent the money on a whole pre-set organic system from Roots Organic. I know aero-ponics, but my medical clients have been asking for organic and I wanted to try a test crop. It seems odd that I would mix their product per specifications and test at 6.8...
  2. D

    Organic PH tea at 7.3 - 7.8. Problem? How to correct?

    I have 'unsulfured Grandma's mollasses' in my fridge. Will that do the job? Mollasses is already in a few of the tea ingredients - can I over do it? All things equal I would prefer to put nutes in at 6.5. I assume my organic soil is healthy - I purchased the same company - organic roots -...
  3. D

    Organic PH tea at 7.3 - 7.8. Problem? How to correct?

    Starting organic growing after a few hydro setups. My basic problem is that when I mix my Roots Organics nutrinets per instructions, they start out at 6.5PH. Directions say to mix/bubble for 24 hours. After those 24 hours PH has risen to 7.8. Now I've read in many areas that ph doesn't...
  4. D

    carbon question

    I've started a very small, very stealth grow in my own home. This is a personal use grow, but for many reasons needs to be kept stealth. My room is less than 8 cubic feet, and supports a single plant using bending, topping, and ScRog. The ventilation question: My room is getting a little...