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  1. G

    3" Rockwool cube transition to 8" net pots in rdwc.... simple, or not ?

    Has anyone here vegetated plants for a week or two (or longer) in 4" or 3" rockwool cubes on an ebb and flow table, then successfully transplanted them into netpots (with hydroton) for rdwc / dwc buckets ....... I guess the downfall with the 1 to 2 week rockwool veg on a table would be that...
  2. G

    RDWC Pump Size GPM Question

    Thanks very much for that reply Cat. I feel better about the direction I am going in now, and the manifold idea is golden - I will be doing exactly that. I was playing with manifold ideas using one of these - they come in all sorts of configurations but I have come to realize probably not the...
  3. G

    RDWC Pump Size GPM Question

    I am building a 10-site RDWC system modeled after a current culture system (13gal square buckets). I am making a few changes and need some advice. I want to top feed the system (I don't mean at the plant, I mean achieve the waterfall effect / turbulence with 90 deg. elbows grommet-ed into the...