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  1. 2cimdma


    With the system I have in the background of my avatar I water for 15 mins. three times a day directly to the rockwool and then on the inside I have a drip going 24/7 so the roots dont get to dry.
  2. 2cimdma

    yellowing bottom leaves and wilting leaves

    What nute are you using? Could be deficiency. N will cause leaves to turn yellow. I had a clone like this a couple weeks ago and I couldnt figure out if it was nute burn or nute deficiency. So I decided to bump up the PPM and the top started growing agian and the yellow leaves are turning...
  3. 2cimdma

    Single 1000w HPS = How Many Plants ?

    Well it doesnt really go by how many plants but more on the side of how much canopy you have. This depends on the size of your plants which is dictated on your style of growing. If your doing SOG you will be able to grow more than if you were just growing plants for awhile and then flowering...
  4. 2cimdma

    First timer, need low maintenance

    Ah yes I have the perfect sytem for you. It low maintenance, easily hidden, small, not too fancy, and you dont have to spend that much money since this is what you want. First what you do is call your local dealer and go buy a dime to an eighth. If you dont want to put anything into...
  5. 2cimdma

    Where do I get a pH tester?

    Depends on how acurate you want it and how your growing ie. soil, hydro. For soil you can get them pretty cheap at alot of store prob walmart and lowes. PH in soil is less of a concern it doesnt fluctuate as much or as fast as hydro unless you are really fertilizing a bunch which isnt good in...
  6. 2cimdma

    Wiring S&P 200 8" Inline Fan

    Normaly white and black are hot and green is ground so I would assume brown is the ground
  7. 2cimdma

    Yellow Leaves using LST

    I have been playing around with lst and as you can notice from the pic some of the leaves are very light green/yellowish color. All these leaves are between the outer ring of leaves and the inner cluster of leaves. Now if I had to guess the leaves that are becoming the new colas are taking all...
  8. 2cimdma

    Closet Grow Light???

    Its a fine line between enough or not enough. I would say get a bigger light or keep the plants small
  9. 2cimdma

    Deep water culture only thread

    Get about a gram per 10-12 pods
  10. 2cimdma

    Deep water culture only thread

    Alright here a the some pics. These are 4 days old. I'm starting with 12 rockwool grow plugs. I soak the RW with tap water and then let sit for a day to evap the chlorine. Then I drop on 4-5 seeds per plug. When I say drop them on I mean that. I put them on and then tap them with my...
  11. 2cimdma

    The Coolest Legal Plants To Grow

    You can grow a few poppies in the US. You can buy seeds on ebay or Park Seeds and a lot of other places. They are legal as long as you dont have a shit load growing and they are not scored. The dried pods make a nice cup of poppy tea.
  12. 2cimdma

    poppys everything you need to know

    ahhhh poppies. Here are some Persian Whites. My poppy took a shit Notice how some poppies are very small but are already producing pods. Thats cause of the light cycle that they were on. Its the oppisite of weed. veg durng 12/12 and flower at 18/6 or longer. As far as...
  13. 2cimdma

    Deep water culture only thread

    Alright Im starting a new DWC poppy grow and I have a DWC Violator Kush grow going as well. Ive had alot of questions about the poppies so I want to know if it would be alright with people if I keep you all up to date with the poppies as well as the weed. I just ask cause I know this website...
  14. 2cimdma

    Have the basics, need a little help expert help

    I think pine wood is used for growing applications but dont quote me on that. I guess you would just want something treated though due to humidity and the possibilty of spills. The fans can be whatever you like. I would use an inline duct fan with ventillation. I would probably use a...
  15. 2cimdma

    I need some help peeps

    The timer will just be a dial with either some horse shoe pin that are green and red that you insert on the time you want it to turn on(green) and then when you want it to turn off(red). The package will have instructions. Just look by the christmas decorations now and if after christmas look...
  16. 2cimdma

    I need some help peeps

    A 300watt MH is going to put off a hell of alot of heat for a 2x2 box. I once had a 600 watt MH in a 7x2x8 foot closet it got the temp into the 90's and one time the fan didnt kick on it was 104F. Not so good. Yes a timer for the light is best it takes out the human error of forgetting to...
  17. 2cimdma

    HPS lighting question, need some expert knowledge

    You should use MH for the veg period and then switch over to HPS for the flower. Alot of plants for 9 square feet though. SOG??
  18. 2cimdma

    Deep water culture only thread

    Just want to make sure this thread doesnt get lost. bump
  19. 2cimdma

    Deep water culture only thread

    Yes the PVC is shaped like a horse shoe. Each section is 6' long and the nets are spread out 6" each. I use this drip system just for poppies. I got poppies from from Parks seeds. I ordered once and and then youll never have have to order again due to how many seeds youll get per pod
  20. 2cimdma

    Deep water culture only thread

    Great thread DWC only way I grow weed and I use it with my poppies as well. Keep on posting Im loving all the info.