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  1. GrowinDad

    qwiso hash powder won't melt

    When heated, it should turn to liquid/oil. You may want to describe what you did...
  2. GrowinDad


    No worries man. Just a cloudy day in nature....
  3. GrowinDad

    cheapest and easiest way to clone

    I have a near 100% success rate. 1.) Cut the clone and immeidately put in water. Cut off the plant at 90 degree angle. One at a time. 2.) Mix MG Seed Starter with about 30% extra perlite. Dampen. Get solo cups and cut some holes in the bottom. Fill cups abot 1/2 way. Put small hole in center...
  4. GrowinDad

    cheapest and easiest way to clone

    Waking up at 5 am vs buying a timer and a cfl or two, no offense intended but not worth it to me :-)
  5. GrowinDad

    Questions on cloning

    While I concur with deadgro, I also want to add you are thinking too much. If she has the cuttings available and you get how a plant grows, have at her. I have done LST to get lots of tops for clones, cut a bunch off one plant, and she never seemed any for the worse.
  6. GrowinDad

    Deficiency is Moving up Plant. Plant is dieing. Pics included

    Along lines of Rentaldog.. If you overwatered a nuted soil, you let out too much. The more water/pooloing, the more nute dissolved (dissolved may be the wrong term). The pics don't look too bad to me. So much so that my advice would be to let them dry out, water slowly without pooling until...
  7. GrowinDad

    having newbie issues.. Take a look

    I think you are fine...
  8. GrowinDad

    de carb before rick simpson oil

    No need to decarb. It decarbs during the boil...
  9. GrowinDad

    Looks like Magnesium deficiency....but ?!

    Hard enough to do with pics, without impossible. But I will give you one possibility that isn't a good one - a bad mama plant. I am just getting out of a bunch of stressful grows I have finally deduced was all caused by one bad seed. I popped two of the same strain, cut clones and didn't keep...
  10. GrowinDad

    BEST & Very Easy Way To Make Wax Hands Down

    Sunlight is also not a good thing. When I want to speed evap, I put my dish on a seed mat with a fan in a dark area (my drying box)....
  11. GrowinDad

    S.O.G. question

    You can go straight to 12-12 if you want. More veg=more yield.
  12. GrowinDad

    BEST & Very Easy Way To Make Wax Hands Down

    Pretty normal QWISO method. Try freezing bud and ISO first.
  13. GrowinDad

    seed problems... please help!

    State your method as something is wrong. I go paper towel into MG Seed Starter and have near 100%. Your issue isn't germs.
  14. GrowinDad

    Want to start growing indoors

    Might help to list what she's selling you???
  15. GrowinDad

    first timer

    Tons of sites. Growweedeasy is pretty cool. But really, you need to research and ask specifc questions. Wiht what is written, my best tip would be to keep it as simple as possible your first few grows.
  16. GrowinDad

    FFOF Quick Question - baby clones

    At the nagging of a buddy, trying out FFOF for the first time vs my non-nuted mix (and DynaGro). I plan to mix in about 30% additional perlite. Clones are rooted in solo cups. I use MG Seed Starter for my clones and somehow, I get near 100% success :-) So question is simple, how much do I...
  17. GrowinDad

    Should Soil Be Completely Dry Before Transplanting?

    I find it easier when damp. I also line the bottom of all pots/cups with perlite, it seems to help get the plant to pop out easier. I was uber paranoid when I first started as I do not have a green thumb. But proud to say, I have never killed one!
  18. GrowinDad

    Can Someone Explain How To Make BHO

    First off, I only do ethanol extracts and I make e-cig juice out of it. I've never had BHO, wax, budder, etc or used a nail. With that said, as best I get it, some of the vac chambers and whatnot are to make particular products. Shatter, which I guess is the thin crisp stuff, seems like...
  19. GrowinDad

    My first iso

    Have some patience dude, this is not a high traffic section of RIU. Color depends hugely on how you made it. Did you use heat to evap and decarb? You haven't given much info on your process. Plant matter does darken it. But even the most pure I have made when melted down darken. That...