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    Auto assassin went limp overnight

    Using bubbletronics, have autoflowering, 3 Dr. Feelgood & 3 Auto assassins in 27 liter container. Ph is 5.6 Temp is 80. all the plants are healthy and green. They are 2 weeks old. One plant overnight went limp and druppy still green. Why are the other plants still healthy? Any ideas would be...
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    Should be soon??????

    This is my first grow. My plants are 63 days old. I need to know 2 things. The first, should I start flushing now or wait. The second question, why are my tips of my plants burning. Help:eyesmoke:.
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    Need Cooling

    Ice Flow is water cooled fan I believe. Go to, On side select chillers and heaters, then click on advancend nut. and grow gear. Item is on first page. Take a look. Thanks
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    Need Cooling

    Live in south. Had some warm days heat went to 100F a couple of times. Any one out there ever use a Ice Flow 6". Any replies would be gratefull. Thanks. AUTOJOHN
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    yellowing of young leaves

    Take pics with cell phone, transfer to computer. Once that is done hit icon for insert pics. You will have to know which files pics are in.
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    Leavesare turning yellow then brown.

    My girls are Russian Rocket Fuel from Short Stuff started Jan 1. Over the last week they have started to turn yellow on leaf tips and edges browing with time. My PH is 5.9. I am using Hydroponics system bubbleponics also, but the real term is “Water Culture.” I have a problem with humity at...
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    quick question.

    Guccizilla have you done much hydro. if so, I need help. Plants tips and sides of leaves are browing and look like just those pars are dying. I will upload pics in about a hour>Autojohn
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    Newbie my first plant

    The dirt looks dry.