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  1. eddy600

    Larry's Fall/Winter seed tests

    last year i put out clones early and late after vegging indoors for a few months.the late one's finished around christmas they didn't grow much and the buds wore airy but shoot out a lot of resin covering most of every leaf.the early ones stayed small also three out of the thirteen variety's THC...
  2. eddy600

    Rooftop SE Asia

    I don't think there is a pm app on this site
  3. eddy600

    New England outdoors 2016

    Greener weed is more appealing on the secondary market,consider yourself lucky
  4. eddy600

    Rooftop SE Asia

    Thanks for the replies you win a few loose a lot,looks like more for the press or hash pile.
  5. eddy600

    Rooftop SE Asia

    when are you putting these in your jars right at the beginning or waiting a few weeks? I missed on drying one plant it was to wet and then to dry. one of the small 62s has the buds soft and springy over night but lacking that nice smell
  6. eddy600


    Getting ready to chop my sour diesel,It's a smaller plant that was crowded out by bigger and faster growing plants.Talk to people in your area and find a few strains that finish early and like the environment,It's always nice to have a variety of flavors
  7. eddy600

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    79 and windy today taking down my first sativa,I might have stopped the nutes to soon on this one.
  8. eddy600

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Two dogs and a shotgun but it's been getting a bit cold at night leaving the window open. Indoor seems to be a good option for you stress and back aches seem to go hand in hand
  9. eddy600

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Do you have a dog?I pulled one of mine a week early just to make sure i had enough to last the year. Trimed the shade leafs off of two today and hung them a lemon skunk and smaller chronic
  10. eddy600

    who is growing some trees????

    She dried it before trimming most take off the fan leaves but she was swamped and dried with fan leaves
  11. eddy600

    Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

    Looks tasty i'm down to a few peanut Butter cookies.
  12. eddy600

    who is growing some trees????

    I saw it in rosamond about 50 miles west of Barstow at a dispensary,They called it house stew.
  13. eddy600

    who is growing some trees????

    $15 an 1/8 at the dispensaries here,get it while you can.
  14. eddy600

    Candy Train

    Great looking would like to grow that one next year,Good luck & happy growin
  15. eddy600

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Chopped my first plant today,It's a THC Bomb.The Buds wore a bit large so broke them up to net dry them. I'm going to harvest the bottom half tomorrow for some bubble & edibles.Good luck everybody
  16. eddy600

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    They circled next to my house for three hours the other night with their light on,It turns out my sons childhood friend killed his grandfather with a baseball bat.
  17. eddy600

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    $5 an oz for leaves & $10 an oz for buds gives them a quarter billion for enforcement purposes,sounds like a miss deal to me.
  18. eddy600

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Your more likely to fall on the down hill from being tired from walking up hill.The cooler weather makes for some nice hiking weather
  19. eddy600

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    77 here today down to 47 tonight.I think i have a few seeds from the indoor male cuttings you told me about chronic kush painted with the pollen.
  20. eddy600

    Passing A Hair Follicle Test - Questions

    You can strip your hair with vinegar and it will remove everything