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  1. T

    Is it time to defoliate?

    Stil in veg I'd leave the fan leaves but prune off any shoots that wont reach the top of the canopy. I leave as many fans on as possible and only remove when they begin yellowing out. Family leaves provide photosynthesis and serve as a nutrient resevoir during flowering. Dont remove unless diseased.
  2. T

    Fan leaves are turning yellow then brown

    Calmag wont fix damage already done but IF it's the problem it will stop it from progressing. Just add the calmag to your fertilizer mix and apply
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    Brown spots and yellowing. 4 weeks old

    A lot of things can cause spotting on leaves but I think this is a good place to start, specially in smaller plants
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    First grow using 100w bulb (harvest help)

    Yeah proly end of 1st week of feb, they look real good just small
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    First grow using 100w bulb (harvest help)

    Seems like its taking a long time, maybe due to low light level
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    First grow using 100w bulb (harvest help)

    When u say week 7 is that week 7 from 12/12 or overall plant age? Cuz it look like your in week 5 of 12/12
  7. T

    Brown spots and yellowing. 4 weeks old

    And therein lies your problem. You are letting your plants get too dry and then flooding them and they are going into shock. Dont let them get bone dry, find a happy medium.
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    Fan leaves are turning yellow then brown

    Typically nutrient burn appears in new growth and literally looks burned. I believe you have a calcium deficiency. When issues start in older leaves it's usually because the new growth is sucking nutrients from the old growth. I would add cal mag and see if that stops the problem from getting worse
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    Problems while flowering.

    If I was you I would pinch off those lower buds and anything not getting good light, those are "suckers" and will take up nutrients but never turn into decent bud
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    Problems while flowering.

    Kkt3 is spot on, your plants look healthy, if your concerned you could add a little more nitrogen to the mix. So that would be the green stuff with GH
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    First grow using 100w bulb (harvest help)

    Looks like u have 3 more weeks
  12. T

    Brown spots and yellowing. 4 weeks old

    Looks like your overwatering which is causing the drooping leaves and your spots. You are drowning your ladies.
  13. T

    Trying to start grow in garage.

    What are you looking to do? A small grow or a commercial venture? What climate do you live in? 100 amps is a lot of juice and you can have a pretty big grow. I live in a colder climate so I built an insulated floor in my garage so that's something to consider. Either way insulate it well and...
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    1st grow journal, 1st grow, comments welcomed

    Do u have drainage holes in those cups?
  15. T

    Disturbed 12/12

    U will be fine. All the talk of light interruptions is hyped up. I go in my room daily using a flashlight to check for PM and bugs and overall plant health. Never had a problem. I even had a timer fail midway through flower which left the lights on for an extra 12 hours. I noticed a few Male...
  16. T

    Spartan series 4 light controller

    Another advantage of the light controllers is they operate at 240 volts meaning u draw less amps, as a result you can run more lights. So yes, in a bigger grow you want a light controller or u will be tripping breakers
  17. T

    Spartan series 4 light controller

    The light controllers are essentially hard wired power strips that operate at 240 volts. The wiring seems intimidating but it's really not bad provided you dont have to fish through walls. Just be sure to use the recommended breaker and wire size and turn off the power at the main even if your...
  18. T

    How important is water quality?

    I got a well too with about 650ppm and around ph 8. I was getting nutrient lockout so I switched to an RO. Really though 350ppm isnt that bad, after I add cal/mag to my RO water it's around 300ppm. You need to figure out what is in your water though, it could have a ton of iron, all calcium...
  19. T

    Opinions needed

    Leaf tips curling upwards is likely do to a hear issue or the plant being too close to the lights source though the led looks fairly high. A problem with those style led is that they focus all their lights downwards, what are leaves looking like on the plants not directly under the light?
  20. T

    1st grow journal

    So here is my bloom room taken just a few minutes ago. This is the back part of my garage, I built a floor and fully insulated it, it's around 300sqft. Power is supplied by a dedicated 100amp subpanel. Cooling provided by a DIY3 ton mini split, I run 3 dehumidifiers and yes, I do dump...