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  1. G

    Microscope X100. Are these trichomes finished?

    Thanks a lot everyone. Input is much appreciated. Will leave for another week/until the actual plant looks closer to being finished. Sorry for the lack of information (flowering time, quality pictures, pictures of plant etc.)
  2. G

    Microscope X100. Are these trichomes finished?

    Just wondering.
  3. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    UPDATE: Everyone will be glad to know that they plants are healthy/ier than last week. I gave them some more nutes at the time of my first post, and then some extra darkness. They have absolutely shot up and have a much nicer green about them. Thanks for all the help guys, still haven't...
  4. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    Just realised, it's not tap water, but untreated rain water in our home tank. Also, the cups have good drainage, many holes in the bottom of the cup.
  5. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    Roots are visible in some places through plastic, but are not curling or turning (with the cup) yet. barely out the bottom either. Repotting and checking ph now. Will update when I get back. Thanks a lot 0calli. Sorry for the double posts.
  6. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    Lock out you say. Thanks for the awesomely quick replies everyone. Looking for the ph strips now, I think i'll move them into new pots anyway, so new soil is looking like the way to go.
  7. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    Tap water, and Will test ph shortly. I think it has sufficient light. So it's looking like the ph of the soil is the culprit. Would re planting into fresh soil be too much of a shock for the plants?
  8. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    Around 4 weeks old. Just started with some organic nutes, very diluted every 3 waterings. It cannot be over watering because have been very precise and waiting for them to dry out completely (soil) before giving them another drink.
  9. G

    [SICK][PICTURES] Yellowing and curling down. Young plants [PICTURES][SICK]

    Diagnosis please? Anyone? Short list of things i think it could be: Nitrogen deficiency Under watering heat stress. any help would be appreciated. Hurray for thumbnails =/