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  1. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

    Well, that just makes my day. Very happy for both of you!
  2. jonblaze420

    Uk being the Piss take that it is , do i really wanna be here !!!
  3. jonblaze420

    Uk being the Piss take that it is , do i really wanna be here !!!

    I just watched an Anthony Bourdain show called No Reservations and he went to the U.K/ Scotland right? Man the food looked so good. You guys have so much fresh seafood, and other kinds of meat local to ya. It looked pretty awesome.
  4. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

  5. jonblaze420

    USA appeals court uphold Sharia law.

    The person who wrote that article has something wrong with them I think. :D
  6. jonblaze420

    USA appeals court uphold Sharia law.

    What kind of crime would Sharia Law favor the perp over American Law? If it says that in the article I apologize.
  7. jonblaze420

    Marijuana Secret Society

    There's a lot of strange information on the net on these topics. I can see why some people would get confused. The secret society list had me rolling though, on the first page.
  8. jonblaze420

    Lace and Frills <3

    Is this the congratulation thread for Matt Rize and April on their blossoming relationship?
  9. jonblaze420

    USA appeals court uphold Sharia law.

    Send all the Mormons to FEMA camps instead. Then Romney can cry us a fucking river.
  10. jonblaze420

    Walk a mile in my shoes!~!

    That sounds rough. Got any stories?
  11. jonblaze420

    Marijuana Secret Society

    Way to research before running your mouth and spreading more disinfo. By the way Blacks do have their own form of 'secret society', it is called Prince Hall Freemasonry. I couldn't read past the first page.
  12. jonblaze420

    Haven't smoked in a few days

    Money does not equal happiness. One thing I've learned in life is that money doesn't mean shit.
  13. jonblaze420

    What do you consider desperate behavior in a female?

    Urca must be leaving out pertinent details of what happened so that people will feel sorry for her and side with her.:fire: :roll:
  14. jonblaze420

    Offical free licks for V-Nasty thread

    Vagina Nasty- Fully loaded clit with that extra asshole.
  15. jonblaze420

    Come see what I squeezed outta my cola!

    You have to start slow and work up to it. (I wanted to get first jab at my reply)
  16. jonblaze420

    Come see what I squeezed outta my cola!

    How do you squeeze a cola to get kief? Huh?
  17. jonblaze420

    Haven't smoked in a few days

    Every time you get confused just bang a hammer on your head as hard as you can.
  18. jonblaze420

    Haven't smoked in a few days

    Strap on dildo? If a strap on that small would satisfy your wife or girlfriend maybe you could look into a penis enlargement surgery.
  19. jonblaze420

    Haven't smoked in a few days

    I would say "Excuse me sir but there is a penis taped to your glue bottle."
  20. jonblaze420

    Haven't smoked in a few days

    You could always 'slip' on some ice somewhere and break your leg man. I was just pulling your leg about buying that Whizzinator.