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  1. S

    e-cig extract plans. Advice wold be great!

    Hello community! I had this idea last night to create a liquid for my e -cig with a medical application ;) I smoke about a gram of bud a day aswell as about 1ml of e-liquid. Here's my plan; -Grind half ounce and mix with a an undecided amount of 99% iso alcohol in a jar. Shaking for about a...
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    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Oh and ive added a second 20w white cfl to try and lessen stretch and make sure each plant gets its fair share of light :)
  3. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Today the lil ones have showed absolutely no signs of drooping and have infact grown! Yaay :) Just starting to see the beggining growth that indicates leaf set number 3 is on its way! Very happy so far, In 48 hours this site has changed my grow from 'destined to fail' with 3 plants in one tiny...
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    Would this CFL be sufficient for a full microgrow?

    Good ol' Sunny Jim answering all my questions! Cheers mate! :L
  5. S

    More crystal/scuff from lower grade or standard weed?

    I've been told its grown under conditions that maximise yeild that compromise other characteristics of the weed such as odour. Spose its essentially the same as the difference between intensively factory farms chickens vs free range, both ways you get chicken, just one is not as good in many...
  6. S

    Would this CFL be sufficient for a full microgrow?

    Im planning a microgrow using one cutting on rokerij cheese under 12/12 from day 1 (It will be all rooted and in a little pot when i recieve her :) My cab is 28" high, 18" with and 12" deep. Using LST method, would this be sufficient for the job? I'm not sure how good the dual spectrum is...
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    More crystal/scuff from lower grade or standard weed?

    HAHAHAHA I find scrubbing it into my eyeballs more efficient! No but thanks for the advice guys, happy smoking!
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    More crystal/scuff from lower grade or standard weed?

    This grade of weed is dry, dense and sparkly, it just lacks oudour completely. Gets ya high, but that just about all its good for! hahaha
  9. S

    More crystal/scuff from lower grade or standard weed?

    I use one of the griders with a mesh screen for catching the scuff or hippie crack or what ever you like to call it. I've noticed that the weed I buy in england that is lower grade or described as 'standard' here, always seems to put out way more crystals than other types of weed I buy...
  10. S

    My first grow. Looking for some feedback

    For my grow, ive bought of the internet what is know as an envirolight, check em out, I only paid 30£ for a 200w dual spectrum (so you get the red and blue light spectrums for growth and flowering) and that included the fittings ect. I recon £30 aint much for a bulb thats gunna give you way...
  11. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    They are between 2" and 4" away from the light due to positioning in the box! considering adding a second 20w cfl until my big boy (200w dual spectrum envirolight) next week! Was however hoping to stick to just the one 20w cfl for the time being, bad idea?
  12. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Well, 4 Hours since and they seem just fine for now! Thanks for looking in Indoor SK, i've got some more pics now they each have their own pot, im still sorry about the quality! :L Thanks again for the help so far guys! Also, I know its irrelivant and blurry, but had to share my bong collection!
  13. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Ok, each of my 3 little babies has its own pot now :) I feel it went reasonable well as the roots had not intertwined and they came out reasonably ok! Expecting them to start weeping as RIKNSTEIN said but should get some more pics on later today! Should I give them a good water or what? The...
  14. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    got 3 pots, each approximately 1L, I chose the smaller pot size as I hope this will help to limit to size of the plant when she's finished! (dont want leaves pouring outa my little box!) Gunna begin the pot transplant now, wish me luck guys, I feel like a close friend is going into surgery! ;)...
  15. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Thankyou RIKNSTEIN! Well it looks like im gunna get this transplant done tomorow and will get some pics on, now, before i begin, HOW?! What is the best and safest way to move em making sure not to hurt them too much? Any advice would be much appriciated!
  16. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    The plan was to keep them small due to the size of my final grow box which is just a few inches over two foot tall, thats why I was going to put them into flower while they are still small, they are under 24/0 at the moment though as i was going to grow them a little more ;) As for the pot...
  17. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Heres the first pics, unfortunatly ive only got access to a webcam camera up to now so they are a bit fuzzy! they are currently living inside a white polystyrene box (about 18 inches cubed) until I create my new grow box next week with mylar, better cfl ect ect. Thanks for checking in :)
  18. S

    First grow, CFL microstealth growing with Bag seed journal.

    Hi guys, this is my first post and also my first grow. I have germinated 3 bag seeds using the paper towel method described else where on the site :D Once they had all sprouted tap roots after 3 days i popped them all into the same pot that has a 1.5 litre capacity using bog standard seedling...