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  1. HookdOnChronics

    good lookin plant.

    Yea I'd paint it white if at all possible. No tinfiol though, it just conducts heat so it'd be basically pointless for what you were saying. Pretty much just stay away from aluminum foil period! lol, unless your cooking.
  2. HookdOnChronics

    good lookin plant.

    Yup SLB is dead fucking on! Listen to him young grasshopper. She's hungry for N
  3. HookdOnChronics

    need help having problems

    We're probably gonna need some pix bro..... I've never seen the hairs just fall off..... So I dunno man, it sounds like you might be outa luck.
  4. HookdOnChronics

    is my girl budding?

    Like he said^^^^^ Did the just recently pop out? I've never seen them turn orange that fast if so. Maybe to close to light or heat burn? Just a thought. I might not be seeing what I think I see. I'm baked... :eyesmoke:
  5. HookdOnChronics

    alot of people say.......

    I've ALWAYS planted root tip down..... and it always works for me!
  6. HookdOnChronics

    First grow evar! Skunk #1 in soil under CFL (Organic)

    Oh man I thought you knew about LST. Dude, go for it! I only LST! It is the only way I grow! I highly recomend it to anyone and everyone! You should definitely go check out this thread Show me what u got LST it has tons and tons and TONS of pix on it. I just put up an example on there of what...
  7. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    ^^^^^ first 4 pix are minutes before training ^^^^^ ^^^^^ next 4 pix are minutes after training ^^^^^ ^^^^^ last 2 pix are after a 2 week recovery ^^^^^
  8. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Alright MC the first 8 pix are of the 'net pot' thing I use as pots for my plants. And then a few shots of the rootball, as you can see there is zero root spiraling. I feel that it allowes me to have a larger plant, as apposed to if I was using a pot without the air root pruning. Then I would be...
  9. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Awesome man sounds GREAT! I need to do this! lol
  10. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Dude I NEED to do this! I'm goin lookin! lol and *!AMEN!*
  11. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    No problem man, Glad I could help if I did! You've got some good lumen output for the size of space your growin. I bet your gonna have a pretty lookin plant(s) You might consider LST if you haven't heard of it. LST is glorious, it's the ONLY way I grow! Went to your journal and posted some...
  12. HookdOnChronics

    First grow evar! Skunk #1 in soil under CFL (Organic)

    Ok bro your doin pretty good. I would completely stay away from nutrients for at least the next 2 weeks. The plants are so so so small that they don't need any nutrients ATM, and if you add more it may burn them. So be weary of that. About your nutes. I use, and have been using Miracle Grow...
  13. HookdOnChronics

    Weed on a plane..

    I've flown with a res filled pipe, a little sac of weed AND a pocket knife (forgot it was in my backpack when I packed. And found it once I landed). They never saw or said anything to me the entire time. I flew from CO, to OH and then back from OH to CO WITH a res filled pipe, weed and a pocket...
  14. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    He man glad I could help! That's REALLY what this whole thread is all about in the first place! Just to get some info out there on some research I've done with CFL's when I first started growing. I just saw that first post I made sitting on my computer one day and thought to myself. "Someone...
  15. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Would you mind explaining how? Instead of just making a statement and that is that..... This makes ZERO sense to me I never move ANY of my CFL's in my setup..... Incorrect if you know what your doing. It's all about knowledge my friend. Mine go 2 days on average without anybody at all even...
  16. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    THANKS FOR THIS! I will try it, I came home to it being 96 in there a couple weeks a before the permafrost was harvested. I think Lacy is a more hardy strain. Because I've been keeping an eye on her and no nanners at all. I will continue to keep a close eye on it though! And just chopped another...
  17. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    EXACTLY! Just another great reason to use the smaller one's! And DAMN straight!!!!! Well, for the most part! lol
  18. HookdOnChronics

    How many oz's?

    Well, since I don't know anything AT ALL, about your setup like: how close the CFL's are to the plant, how big of an area these CFL's are supposed to be covering, if your using high/low wattaged CFL's, HELL I don't even know if your using the right spectrum! BUT, with the info given, I'm gonna...
  19. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Yea I noticed that, and thanks for the heads up MC. I'm pretty sure that I chopped before anything could come of it though. Since it's summer I started to have some severe heat issues and I'm almost posative that's what it's from. My buddie that I got the permafrost from said to watch out for...
  20. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Just throwin up some more LST pix. 3 different plants here. All the same strain. I seperated each individual plants pictures by putting a picture of the flower room inbetween them. So after you look at a group of pix, and get to a pic of the entire flower room, the next set of pix will be of a...