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  1. Gastanker

    LED vs HPS

    depends on too many variables. closest decent answer you should get for that questions is a 600w lamp covers a 3x3-4x4 canopy and a 1kW lamp covers a 4x4-5x5 canopy.
  2. Gastanker

    Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!

    She was threatening white and Arab? students with physical harm based on their skin color while using derogatory racial slurs. Too bad those hate crime laws only work one way.
  3. Gastanker

    LED vs HPS

    Optimal distance being the key word. At equal close distances they wouldn't provide more light, it would be equal, at far distances it would be less light - we're talking hypothetical and not taking into account HIDs wattage efficiency curve (you might have noticed we're talking about 500w...
  4. Gastanker

    First organic tent grow.....

    Ok, these are sativa dominant plants that want to grow very very lanky with a single very tall cola - very xmas tree looking. LST can range from simple to complicated and you can use wire, weights, strings, tape, pretty much anything to gently shape the plants. Here I pinned down just the very...
  5. Gastanker

    LED vs HPS

    Plants don't see lumen they see PAR. Higher single point light sources "throw" light farther than multiple point light sources. This is to say in simplified terms (we are disregarding bulb wattage efficiency here) that while 2x500w bulbs produces as much PAR as a 1kW light up close they do not...
  6. Gastanker

    growing plants with CFLs? need help

    That's a hard one. It could be too much light if those are low light plants. I scorched the fuck out of a bamboo orchid with too much CFL lighting.
  7. Gastanker

    First Grow 400W HPS/MH in 3 x 3 tent.

    Looks great! What are the veggies in the back right? Another lettuce in the background and a greens of some sort? Broccoli?
  8. Gastanker

    First organic tent grow.....

    It should exchange quite a bit more air but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be any cooler. LST stands for low stress training. If you bend the shoot apical meristem (the top growth point) towards the ground it halts vertical growth and encourages the plant to bush out - all lower side...
  9. Gastanker

    Got E-Blunt?

    Ha ha ha. Can't wait to see some douche bag puffing on one of those on a plane.
  10. Gastanker

    First organic tent grow.....

    I would recommend a simple LST. Scroll down to the last post on this page and look at the timeline. I pinned the heads down for all of like 5 days (days 20-25) and turned what would have been 7'+ sativas into...
  11. Gastanker

    First organic tent grow.....

    They are looking great to me. They look very happy and pampered.
  12. Gastanker

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    Sounds like you're on your way. I start feeding once they have two true sets of leaves. Too easy to kill them before that. Made some dry ice hash out of an ounce today. Used some pretty course silk screen so I'm thinking I'll clean it up with ISO and a coffee filter in a bit.
  13. Gastanker

    fuck a 150 dollar hps ballast I use floodlights

    I searched... I found nothing. I bet he either purchased a MV bulb or a complete HPS flood light system like this - Which of course has a ballast, it's just built into the unit.
  14. Gastanker

    growing plants with CFLs? need help

    How hot does the box get? Are you spraying your plants? If so stop! Are the CFLs touching the plants?
  15. Gastanker

    Plant is oozing amber colored syrup.

    I found it - Agrobacterium tumefaciens which is the causal agent of crown gall (the pink formation). It's a tumor caused by a bacterial infection. Look familiar?
  16. Gastanker

    my first grow!

    # of bulbs depends on what you want to yield ;) If you are just putting them over the top I'd say go with ~8 of the 23w or like 4 of the 48w.
  17. Gastanker

    Of course. Kinda boring atm though...

    Of course. Kinda boring atm though.
  18. Gastanker

    fuck a 150 dollar hps ballast I use floodlights

    Can someone direct me to a link of a self ballasted HPS spot light? I feel retarded, I can't find any. I hope he didn't buy some self ballasted MHs. Those are terrible at low wattage.
  19. Gastanker

    my 600 watt setup, need opions!

    I don't purchase it very often so I can't offer a suggestion on pricing. I do however know that you can often find it at hardware stores like Home Depot and Lowes. Might be able to find it locally for cheap. Just a thought. And mylar does not create heat... All of this applies also to mylar...
  20. Gastanker

    fuck a 150 dollar hps ballast I use floodlights

    I was saying that per lumen CFLs put out more PAR compared to HPS. CFLs have a better spectrum but large HPS put out more lumen/w. If your lumen/w drops on the HPS to being equal to a CFL then the CFL is delivering more PAR to the plant. I don't believe I ever compared the spectrum of HPS vs...