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  1. T

    Is smoking tobacco/weed around your growing plants bad?

    agreed...CO = bad for ANYTHING...CO2= good for. Plants...
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    Cartel Weed

    :hump: Wouldn't that be queso cabra?
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    Cartel Weed

    Super no in Spanish, this means super "no go" which is what (hopefully) happens when you smoke it....u no go
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    Kerala Gold

    Ooooooohhhhhhhh....gotcha'....I'm from kerala, and have been there a few times...(born in US).... I did some quick research on land race cuktivar...sounds about right for this strain...
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    Kerala Gold

    Land race cultivar?
  6. T

    Mirical grow,for plants

    Agreed with above...I use it as well.
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    Bigger plants?

    Agree w/ sweetcheeba completely.
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    24 hour light, or 18-6?

    Lol!...good stuff on riu today.
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    how many tops?

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    how many tops?

    Oh wow...very impressive indeed! I hope my gal comes out looking as fine as yours long did ya veg them for?
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    24 hour light, or 18-6?

    24/0 IMO, but some will say that plants need sleep, and prefer 18/6.
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    how many tops?

    Great video, bro...very impressive grow. What light were you using?
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    how many tops?

    I yo, how many would be Max for 250?
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    how many tops?

    Pardon me while I drool a bit...very sexy lady, my friend.
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    how many tops?

    Oh no, I'm only 6 weeks or so into veg, from seed.
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    how many tops?

    NICE!...I think it was these photos that inspired me to try LST on my first griw ( this one!)
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    how many tops?

    Should I throw her into flower soon?
  18. T

    how many tops?

    True, but what I've read its better for someone like me, ( one lady and 250 hps) to LST, to increase yield, and keep plant stout. I've got the white widow going, I just curious as to what I can expect for yield...I know this is a finicky question, but I plan to veg for a while...maybe 4 months...
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    how many tops?

    How many tops is a God number of tops for one plant, growing in soil, under 250 hps? (WW)...Just curious, as I have 21 tops, on one WW, in a 5 gall pot, LSTof course.
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    Popping my growing cherry

    One page that teaspoon, or tablespoon?