you get in some major shit. idk for one plant, but u can get ur property seized. majorly not cool to grow on ur parents land. guerilla grow if u must. but just wait
its possible, but dont do it. itll give u harsh buds. just wait it out. if u have been working on ur bud for many many weeks. just go through the hanging and burping, its worth it
yeah ppl hate on MG here all the time. sure its not as good as fox farms but w/e i have seen some MONSTERS grown in MG. just find some good looking stuff and ammend it yourself
dude everyone hates on MG because of time release. and i admit time release is not ideal or even desired. however, if all u can get is MG, its better than nothing. however, i do highly rec. getting other products.
yeah with some reflectors around them would be fine (ie. cut aluminum can). gives all spectrum so covers all the bases. not the perfect set up, but will def. get the job done with no problems
supersoil is pretty good. if u really must even some of the miraclegro stuff is okay. people always hate on it, but it is not completly awful, its useable