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  1. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    Thinking about taking this out of the closet to make a bigger rig. Maybe I don't need 4lb, what will I need for 3lb?
  2. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    Doesn't a scrog require a square shape? Each would have to be no bigger than 2'x2'. Actually my tent is <60ft3 so I don't think exchanging air every 30s will be a problem. Wouldn't hydro reduce the height required in a shelf system?
  3. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    "12in for the planter" to confirm, are you talking about soil or hydro?
  4. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    Cool thanks guys for resetting my expectations. If I'm not pulling 4lb per grow, what's the best I can do in that space? @justugh, can't I buy two lights and create a shelved solution? I feel like I could get up to eight small plants in there, four on floor four on shelf. @dbkick, what is DE...
  5. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    I realized I don't want to be growing year-round. I want a year's supply in one grow: 4 lb, and I'm willing to sacrifice my no-fail option to get there, so hydro is in. @dbkick, @justugh: how do I get there in the most straightforward way possible, in my space of 2’ 3” deep, 5’ 6” wide and 8’...
  6. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    @dbkick, I appreciate your point that it's perfectly reasonable for a first-time grower to do well with hydro out the gate. I believe that and I don't think @justugh is refuting that, I think you two just differ in a matter of degree regarding how safe hydro is vs soil as a fail-safe option...
  7. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    I'd like to avoid chemical fertilizer in favor of an all-organic grow if I can, especially since the soil and feed are already organic, but if you say it's required with the no-fail option, forever or at least while getting started, I'm on board.
  8. rothkko

    Bud Dryer Advice

    Rollitup team, I came across this herb dryer: This is the first time I've ever even heard of a herb/bud dryer. I see some people have experience with herb dryers on the forum but I'd like to see if anyone has used...
  9. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    Thanks, but @justugh is the only one giving detailed advice at this time. I can Google hydro all I want but I'm risk-averse so I'm not building a system unless an experienced grower co-signs on the setup and process. That's why I'm on a forum: I'm looking for personalized advice beyond the sea...
  10. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    @dbkick My response to your suggestion was a bit curt, but in truth I responded with "justugh and weedenhanced have made a good case for soil" not to shut you down, but because I was and still am eager for you and/or others to describe or link to a hydro system and grow process that would fit my...
  11. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming Thanks @Hot Diggity Sog, the 8x8 should do nicely. This is now the tent to beat for my trim. Its only con for me is I'm 6' 4" so I can't just stroll in to the tent without a slight duck. I'll spend most of my time in the...
  12. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming

    Ha! In the opposite direction of what I was looking for, but absurdly awesome nonetheless and I'm grateful for having learned this. Thanks @Cannasutraorganics.
  13. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming

    Thanks @anohaze, I've previously browsed EBay. I'm looking for specific recos in case anyone has experience with any particular tent(s). Cheers, rothkko
  14. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    @justugh, to summarize for my understanding, can you please confirm this is roughly the routine you follow? Day: Event 0: Seed 3: Sprout 5: 1st true leaf 36: Flower 71: Harvest & dry 78: Smoke Cheers, rothkko
  15. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming

    Awesome, thank you. This aligns with @Hot Diggity Sog's advice. Any reco on a value tent for this purpose? I'm only familiar with the high-end grow manufacturers at this time. Cheers, rothkko
  16. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming

    Crystal-clear, thank you. This fits my assumption that if I rig a tent with a carbon filter and fan it will fit my smell requirements. Any reco on a good value tent for this purpose?
  17. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming

    Thanks @Hot Diggity Sog, a cheaper grow tent is exactly the kind of suggestion I was looking for. Any specific recommendations from your knowledge? Can you clarify? Do cheaper tents have smell leaks or is there something else I'm not clear on? Cheers, rothkko
  18. rothkko

    Tent for Trimming

    It's a closet grow.
  19. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    I've already clipped the hempy buckets process into my notebook, but nobody has given much detail on how they compare to soil and when and why one might prefer them to soil + organics. @justugh, as a soil user, do you have any opinion on hempy buckets?
  20. rothkko

    1st Time Grow Setup: Complete Grow Newbie!

    I didn't understand that your 78 day number meant seed to smoke. That should do nicely, thanks for clearing that up. Thanks for bringing up the drying process, I was about to ask about that. This article (link) says to dry for 5-9d, press, dry 2d more, press, then dry 2d more and optionally...