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  1. weedenhanced

    Got some slow growers...

    I would use 1/4 nuts on that size plant maybe every second watering I'd say u had them in 2 smaller pot and u over fed or ur light is weak Watering is a skill I learned growing autos go read lots of shit on auto and apply it to normal weed Cause auto require a lot more watering control to get...
  2. weedenhanced

    Got some slow growers...

    Last grow Day 3 Day 14 Day 28 lsted to the max Day 36 7 days after flipped
  3. weedenhanced

    Got some slow growers...

    This is absolute bullshit I never start anything under 3 gal pots Who told u this bullshit or did u just make it up Grow a auto and start in a small pot and I'll start in a big pot u will see vast difference it's how u water the plants and humidity bigger the pot the better Iam now doing a...
  4. weedenhanced

    2nd grow, Week 1
  5. weedenhanced

    2nd grow, Week 1

    It s mh to hps conversion bulb
  6. weedenhanced

    2nd grow, Week 1

    No u need a certain type on mh bulb a super mh bulb it's was explained to me
  7. weedenhanced

    2nd grow, Week 1

    Here As u can see mh on a hps mag ballast
  8. weedenhanced

    2nd grow, Week 1

    I run hps ballast and I can use a mh on the hps ballast growlush super lumen bulbs mh work on a hps ballast
  9. weedenhanced

    Prometh With Codeine

    Fck ya all how dumb getting addicted to codeine get some fcking herion if u wanna get a good opiates lol at least it's gonna fck u up seriously good Or get some morphine at least u bunch of soft cocks Btw I've tried herion once and fck that lol fcked me up 2 much was addicted to chewin codeine...
  10. weedenhanced

    Reservoir stinks Ive tried everythink (Please Help)

    I once had this prob I setup a top feed system setup in a laundry toilet and the res sat on the toilet and above I had a bread crate pots full perlite on the bread crate water would go back to res after pumped up and I had this seriously bad smell I cleaned the fck out my res every time light...
  11. weedenhanced

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    Try Dutch masters gold range 2 part It works well I never ph or use or water or any that crap I just mix and use never had burn never had a defiency
  12. weedenhanced

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    In australia we have just chorine in our water not atom binded shit fck that glad I live down under
  13. weedenhanced

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    Now I feel like a dumb shit lol I just read up about it then shoulda just shut my mouth sorry rm3 I removed the post lol only one person saw me write real dumb shit lol
  14. weedenhanced

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    I just re read what u said r u saying just leaving it sit anywhere will remove the choro Or u saying it don't work lol
  15. weedenhanced

    NL auto 9th week in how she look guys??

    Why wait u can continually put em in non stop as u allways run on 18/6 light or 24 with auto u r arnt u? U need about 100w per plant So with a 400w u could be pulling 3 to 5 oz once a month if u spaced em 1 month apart because
  16. weedenhanced

    NL auto 9th week in how she look guys??

    Buy a 400 man not much diff in price
  17. weedenhanced

    First Grow. Yield Predictions please

    I think he means a screen man
  18. weedenhanced

    Welcome New Members!

    Welcome to riu
  19. weedenhanced

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    U can also just get tap water and leave it in the sun for day and it will get rid of chorine