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  1. auldone

    How To Delete A Thread?

    I beg to differ... There was a thread this morning that questioned Subcools new Plushberry. He was asked why he responded to the question "How do you know it's Kush?". His response was, "Because I say it's Kush!" Really? Because YOU say?? Anywho, the thread is no longer around.... It was...
  2. auldone

    Off His Friggin Rocker !!!

    Coming soon to VH1... A very special Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew... Starring... Charlie Sheen and the Sheen Machine.
  3. auldone

    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    This list is some BULLSHIT!!!! Jack White @17????? WTF??? But no Jerry Cantrell or George Thorogood or Slash or a mutitude of others.... Again, BULLSHIT!!!
  4. auldone

    The TGA Growers Club

    Moist paper towel then put that into a ziplock bag and remove all the air. Put in cool, dark place, and in a day or 2 ya got yourself a sprout. No need for a plate or anything and the towel stays moist...
  5. auldone

    The Official Smoke N Grow Thread

    Well the final dry weight of that cola was 13.4g. It is now curing... I really,really,really want to get my next grow started! I want to chop my bagseed grow and get goin on some good stuff!! I can hold out for a few more weeks;)
  6. auldone

    Off His Friggin Rocker !!!

    "I am proud of what I've created, it was RADICAL!" .... Classic.
  7. auldone

    Star Wars? I always thought that Darth Vader was the Ultimate bad guy. I mean Christ, he is choking the guy out without even touching him! That's just pure bad ass!!!
  8. auldone

    I have a chance to get some older subcool strains..

    So have ya gotten ya beans yet Fatty?
  9. auldone

    Airplane Video Of Shuttle Launch

    That would have been a cool flight to be on. I remember being in grade school in Bakersfield Ca. and hearing the sonic boom from the Shuttle returning to Edwards AFB.... And watching Challenger explode on TV...
  10. auldone

    48hrs and counting!!!!

    Looks nice! Next time though... put more soil/media in your pot. You have alot of space there that, if the pot was almost full of media, your roots would have that much more room to grow and your plant would be bigger. ;)
  11. auldone

    News Is Getting Involved Due To People Complaining!

    Fuckin media has to go and ruin a good thing.....
  12. auldone

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    Make up your mind.... Is she chubby or fat??? Sounds like YOU are the one with the issues and SHE is just dealing with your stupid ass Rule#1- It's MY money bitch, Go get your own!!!! Don't try to pass your fuckup off to her when you didn't have the common sense to handle your money.
  13. auldone

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    You should have been done a long time ago... We all have common sense, just some of us choose to use it.... Now go clean your dishes, scrape a dollar together and go buy you a 4 pack of Top Ramen cause your bitch is gonna have the munchies soon from smokin all your money......
  14. auldone

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    A man walks into a bar..... The next man ducks.
  15. auldone

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    No... This is about you giving your girl all your money so she could go buy weed to deal with your ass...
  16. auldone

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    WHOA!!! This isn't REAL????
  17. auldone

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    It sounds like YOU are totally at fault in this story..... She is completely innocent because YOUR dumb ass let her spend all YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY!!!!!
  18. auldone

    buying seeds

    I have placed 2 orders in the last month/month and a half. Recieved both in about 10 days. I'm in Washington.
  19. auldone

    random question . who can answer ??

    How bout Thermos?
  20. auldone

    random question . who can answer ??

    That's a shame... I would have hoped it got BETTER than the day you got it, sitting, curing for 3 months.