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  1. Chasenbud

    First harvest

    whats up guys so I harvested 1 of my 3 girls last night. I think one of my top colas is moldy or something it's been hanging for 24 hours but I noticed it right as I chopped it down. Check out the pics you'll see the white stuff I'm talking about. It's only on the inside!any help would be...
  2. Chasenbud

    Indoor/outdoor 400w mh1000

    Getting close!!! Fricken finally 9.5 weeks of flower.
  3. Chasenbud

    Taking clones

    What's up guys so I had this plant for a while now since early June it was started from seed, it vegged for 5 weeks or so then it was put into flower for a week or so. Then back to veg since. Now it has some brown pistils the first pistils that ID gender, only towards the bottom tho top half of...
  4. Chasenbud

    Indoor/outdoor 400w mh1000

    Day 57 for smaller plant back right. Day 42 for other 2.
  5. Chasenbud

    Indoor/outdoor 400w mh1000

    Day 46 flower for the smaller one back right. And the 2 other larger plants day 31. Smaller fucker hermied on me. Assuming do to light leaks or possibly the male plants I put outside long ago. I didn't notice the balls in time, and 3 maybe 4 balls I found a total of 7 actually released pollen...
  6. Chasenbud

    half way through flower and

    Thanks for the reply man I'm sorry I didn't see it yesterday. What do you mean by it has to do with air flow?
  7. Chasenbud

    half way through flower and

    The strain in called Luckyland. Candyland x lucky charms. They were regular seeds. I got from a friend that works for a large scale grow in Idaho. My best guess like you mentioned is prolly light leak. It's day 43 flower. Hoping for the best
  8. Chasenbud

    half way through flower and

    It's a damn hermie. I'll attach pics. As you can see I didn't catch them in time and they did release some pollen. It seems the majority of it just kinda piled up on the branch. However, they are only on the lower prolly 30% of the buds and I found about 6 opened maybe 3-4 unopened. I removed...
  9. Chasenbud

    Im finishing day 68..what do you see?

    Black cherry soda!
  10. Chasenbud

    Im finishing day 68..what do you see?

    Mmmm BCS:weed: congrats on the harvest!
  11. Chasenbud

    Slow growth during flower

    Here are a couple more pics
  12. Chasenbud

    Slow growth during flower

    Thanks for the input. It makes sense and is very reassuring. No I do not have a carb scrub. I've heard you can make a homemade one. Less is more less is more. Maybe I've been giving them too much love... Well stacked wasn't the correct word I was looking for just overall bud production. And...
  13. Chasenbud

    Slow growth during flower

    Yea it's my first grow.
  14. Chasenbud

    Slow growth during flower

    I water about every other day depending how warm the box gets
  15. Chasenbud

    Slow growth during flower

    Watered few hours before the pics were taken. These were taken yesterday morning. It's called LuckyLand cross between lucky charms and candy land. I try to let the soil dry as much as possible it'll be dry an inch down but then it hardens up when you hit the old soil from the 1 gal pots
  16. Chasenbud

    Slow growth during flower

    What's up guys so one of my plants has been flowering for 28 days now and seems to be at a slow start. Light was 400mh veg 400hps bloom. This one vegged for aprox 5 weeks. It was on 20/4 and used ReGen's Grow nutrients. Switched to 12/12 and swapped the Nutes to CX Hydroponics ultimate bloom for...
  17. Chasenbud

    Splint? Cast? Expert advice please

    Thanks for the reassurance guys. Yesterday i put a rubber band around it not super tight just enough to hold it in its place. I might take bubble wrap and wrap around the branches and stem then use tape that way if it needs to it can pop the bubble wrap and continue to grow. I've seen it...
  18. Chasenbud

    Splint? Cast? Expert advice please

    So I topped one of my girls to close to the nodes. And now that's it's 30+" tall and in flower it's starting to crack. seems like it's gotten worse the past few days and I'm starting to worry. I'm thinking about with getting a tomato cage and hopefully that'll help. Anyone ever dealt with this?
  19. Chasenbud

    HID light bulb question

    Is the HPS your using now a decent brand? Lights do lose like 10% lumens over so many hours but I think you'll be fine. People lswitch them out every time becuase they are anal about getting the full lumens and there is always the risk of the old one to fail. I say you just keep using it until...
  20. Chasenbud

    Here's my build

    Damn man. Good work. Excited to see this room full of flower