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  1. C

    What a place this is...

    Agree with this. Being a beginner I love the idea of starting a small PC grow to perfect my techniques before up-scaling. Would love to see your journal and a break down of set up!
  2. C

    All Done!!! First Grow 2X3 Closet 8.07 oz. Thanks For The Help RIU!!!

    Amazing set up bud. Would very much appreciate any advice you can give a noob with regards to equipment and processes...
  3. C

    What a place this is...

    A PC box... very interesting :) do tell me more... I have a few old PC's kicking around so may try this before up-scaling to my planned size. I don't even know what LST is abbreviating at this point so no idea what process it represents...
  4. C

    What a place this is...

    Your posts, as all so far, have been a great help. Preparation and research are two of my favourite words so very much appreciate your input! At this stage I think I just need to understand the requirements of the plant. Obviously, just being a smoker at this point the extent of my knowledge...
  5. C

    What a place this is...

    I read that the minimum grow should be 5 plants?! Due to the fact that you could end up with a male if you only did 1... and then you've wasted your time. So just a small grow initially to gauge whether I am capable of pulling it off. I'll be sure to check Nirvana and Attitude out. Cheers...
  6. C

    What a place this is...

    Greetings all, My name is Casper, 25 from the UK. Today, I finally made the choice to start my own little home grow and after a little bit of looking around the interwebs I ended up here. Seems like a fantastic community so I joined. Hopefully with your guidance, as I AM a complete noob...