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  1. R

    Green Gold - BHO extraction using bud trim and other low grade trash....

    Ok the Skunkpharm site is pretty amazing. I was surprised that they use so much fresh flower. that would be hard to grind up even if you wanted to. I am guessing that freezing is much more beneficial when you plant material is less than cracker dry to start with. The only reason for...
  2. R

    Green Gold - BHO extraction using bud trim and other low grade trash....

    1 gram per oz is not right. I generally add 7 grams of bud to the butane and end up with between 10 and 20 grams of green gold. impure as it is stlll a one hit stone. its also a lot easier to deal wih just put pinch on top of a bud and add flame no dapper or fancy rig required. @...
  3. R

    Green Gold - BHO extraction using bud trim and other low grade trash....

    Freezing sounds interesting. I'll give that a try next batch. Thanks I'm looking forward to getting a vacuum pump & chamber but it's going to have to wait.
  4. R

    Green Gold - BHO extraction using bud trim and other low grade trash....

    HowI go about making Green Gold – Butane Honey oil extraction Ok soI still use the original honey bee extractor that I bought fromCanada more than a decade ago. Back then the motto was “Turn yourtrash into cash” It wasn't until recently that I became aware thatsuch things as “shatter” even...