I'm on both, there are specific threads I follow on both. Keeping it simple. Far as I know the DWC club is still going. I love RUI and the Skool as well, I post my grow to both sites. Copy and Paste no big deal. Grow on brothers and sisters!
I am on several sites and cross threads to diff info, just helping people out. I'm not trying to recruit anyone. I love RUI and send ppl here all the time.
I haven't decided yet. I was thinking about using plastic line like for air brakes. Or the crap they use in mobile homes. Gonna try a 24 plant site with a hose to each.
Toke, I'm gonna do a drip feed veggie garden this year. I'm sick of pulling weeds and tilling. Black plastic with holes cut for plants, hose, drippers, and a 55 gallon plastic barrel. Maybe even a timer. Still working it out.
The dicks at youtube mad me change the tune. I had the joan osborne parody "What if God smoked cannibus?" Now its blues, but good too. Here ya go DWC Clubberz toke it up and watch!