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  1. B

    Are we entering the Post-Cognitive Age?

    I bet the Brawndo shot out of your knows.
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    Are we entering the Post-Cognitive Age?

    He's trying to prevent this place from becoming a country full of people like you, you moron. Sheesh.
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    Attention, Republicunts:

    Nyet komrade bednyye dezinformatsiya. My Russian must read like your English.
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    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    Cryptkeeper only did coke and heroin no meth
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    The police didn't bother checking the Wal-Mart security footage to confirm he bought the canisters. NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER.
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    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    Thank God.
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    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    Natural. Genetics. Stupid people don't converse, they just make babies.
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    ISIS defeated in Mosul using only Obama's plan

    Nah I meant the Jafaikans in Washington Sq. Park. What part of Jamaica? Near the beach... Bwoy!
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    ISIS defeated in Mosul using only Obama's plan

    I bet you get your GanGa from the Jafaikans.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    That's cool but he's still a dick for supporting Trump.
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    bernie and jane are lawyering up!

    The good pussy I've eaten tastes like the stuff inside non alcoholic chocolate covered cherries minus the cherries.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    By swag I meant free shit like pencils and stickers. I'm not allowed to look at those alone anymore.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    Ill take any swag at those conventions.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    Comic-cons and book expos.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    I think I've seen you at conventions. I won't say what kind of conventions.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    So its shaped like an 80s action figure so you can attract 45 yr old virgins to it. Got it. "OMG new in box, never opened, mint condition, GI Joe shaped penis. I'm all over it"
  17. B

    bernie and jane are lawyering up!

    Hairy stinky pussy is delicious. Smells like good bud. Now if it smells like low tide and it looks like leatherface, run.
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    Van Jones: "The Russia Thing Is Just A Big Nothing Burger"

    Holy shit these nothing burgers are extra meaty. I'm sure we'll have enough to last us the next few months.
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    A Unprecedented Double-Handed Shake, An Underpat And A Snear..

    Patriot missiles are there for defense. They're range wouldn't hit Russia. It looks good but they don't pose a real threat. It threatens past boundaries of Russia's speheres of influence. Mostly symbolic. Putin will give Trump that as long as he keeps feeding them the voter rolls.
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    Trump wrestling gif creator doxxed by CNN

    You must have dementia like your Trumpito. He got his ass handed to him regularly, that's why he disappeared. He liked to brag about how much weight he moved while he donated to the police department.