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  1. M

    fan leaf wilt badly

    cool and thanks that kinda what i was hoping to hear.
  2. M

    fan leaf wilt badly

    add on its only fan leafs off my main stalk* the ones below the branchs and a few of the larger ones on the bigger branchs
  3. M

    fan leaf wilt badly

    so I'm noticing with the new strain (nuken) I'm trying that after feedings the fan leafs dry out and wilt badly and on some of them they straight up dry on my plant, im week 3-4 on my flowering and im wondering what could be causing this (and if it even matters) none of the buds or bud leafs...
  4. M

    sad about my blueberry

    I purchased some clones from a collective and had been told that they were all females, only to find out once they went to flowering that a blueberry was a male :( I am new to growing, this was my first time, and once I found out I was extremely sad since it was doing so well, it had been in...
  5. M

    Should I trim these?

    Thanks everyone!
  6. M

    Should I trim these?

    I have a Black Domina with a lot of new growth, but some of the new growth is right around the stalk, seemingly wrapping around it. Will the new sprouts along the stalk suffocate the plant or stunt growth in any way? I don't want to trim before I am sure!