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  1. `SoA || Asi

    sweet ill keep an eye on ya :)

    sweet ill keep an eye on ya :)
  2. `SoA || Asi

    Dr. Evil--Jerry Springer

    xD w27meg0YfEU
  3. `SoA || Asi

    its cool to have more chicks around we have around 16 you will get to know them btw your...

    its cool to have more chicks around we have around 16 you will get to know them btw your pretty hot :)
  4. `SoA || Asi

    welcome to rollitup <3

    welcome to rollitup <3
  5. `SoA || Asi

    8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!

    wow hello love welcome to rollitup
  6. `SoA || Asi

    8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!

    lol earthquakes suck bad u get aftershocks for months
  7. `SoA || Asi

    8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!

    newzealand is ment to have another one near 19 and 20th todo with the moon
  8. `SoA || Asi

    8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!

    its freaky some christians say its sign saying people need to beleve in christ and to much sin xD
  9. `SoA || Asi

    8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!

    yeah earthquakes are getting more frequent the newzealand quake cost15 billion
  10. `SoA || Asi

    Southpark -- returning 04/27/11 (hopefull ideas)

    ricky gervais would be funny making fun of the celebs
  11. `SoA || Asi

    Southpark -- returning 04/27/11 (hopefull ideas)

    cant wait :leaf: Obviously Charlie Sheen spoof would be funny as hell i wanna see more on suicide bombers and muslims like a suicide bomber in a suitcase :lol: oh shit just thought of it now Ellen degeneres spoof u know the show her funny dancing :lol: what else u wanna see guys ?
  12. `SoA || Asi

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    looks great bro yeah
  13. `SoA || Asi

    $40,000,000 Bust, gunna be dry here for a while!

    holy shit not good
  14. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    xD yeah cheers bro i hope so i got a free 3 pack of syrup i have the new blackjack but choose syrup
  15. `SoA || Asi

    Uh oh! I've got some bad news for the ladies..

    lol i just seen the thread wtf xD if that thing works real well guys would use it like 7+ times a day i wanna know surelly girls love to suck?
  16. `SoA || Asi

    How To Kiss And How To Get Laid

    xD yeah funny stuf a
  17. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide
  18. `SoA || Asi

    The Sexual Innuendo Thread

    Your body is a wonderland and I want to be Alice.
  19. `SoA || Asi

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey guys first 3 pics is powerskunk 4th Syrup 5th Creamcaramel
  20. `SoA || Asi

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    wow thats cool i will buy one in a week or so babe :)