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  1. GanJulia

    Need Help, some scary dreams.

    It sounds like you have some anxiety over it. grab some white widow to calm yourself down. The more you think about it, the more your going to convince yourself your 'sick' or need help.
  2. GanJulia

    Need Help, some scary dreams.

    dreams are your subconscious speaking to you. Usually things you wont even admit to yourself or something your unaware of. Most dreams are un-readable do the fact its almost impossible to remember everything that happened in a dream. I had one recurring dream through a few years of my...
  3. GanJulia

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    Why couldn't jesus have been real? He didn't have to be a miracle maker to be alive. I disagree with Roots on the fact that Jesus wrote the bible, but I do agree that he did exist. Jesus didn't have to really be the son of God to be a good person and care about humanity, thats the basis of...
  4. GanJulia

    This hurts me more than it hurts you.

  5. GanJulia

    I knew it!!

    The quote was that 41% of people have ADMITTED to smoking marijuana, theres a lot more i'm sure who were too chicken! My guess would be around 70%, i believe it..
  6. GanJulia

    I knew it!!

    "In fact marijuana is so widespread that 41% of American's admit to having tried it...even the president"-- Drugs, Inc NATGEO! bongsmilie
  7. GanJulia

    First time autoflower grow...

    very nice plants :) im going to start my first grow with an autoberry soon! One thing though, I think I see a seedling stretching for light! Don't let her fall over :)
  8. GanJulia

    two plants in one pot....

    lol illiterate? why do you feel the need to make me feel illiterate? that just...has nothing to do with anything... lololol okay bye this was fun :)
  9. GanJulia

    emergency transplant

    i know im not too much of a help but I think any emergency transplant is going to have some issues. Its very rare that someone can quickly while being rushed take out a marijuana plant without loss or damage to the plant. I think your best bet is to do some quick research and be as careful as...
  10. GanJulia

    two plants in one pot....

    Great! Hopefully you'll realize how little people care about your opinions then :) so now, you can leave... or you'll probably come back...because you feel the need to defend yourself yet again!
  11. GanJulia

    two plants in one pot....

    I think I can hear you crying while you say this, thats how childish it sounds.
  12. GanJulia

    two plants in one pot....

    sorry, im really not trying to get into this whole shit fest but I wanted to address this sentence-- "It's a rule based on the facts I stated, which you know which are fact and opinion cause I clearly stated all of it." I dont think I need to say anything else...? Jon, everyone on this site...
  13. GanJulia

    two plants in one pot....

    ZOMG your 14?!?!?! gtfo jail bait!!!!
  14. GanJulia

    Does "Marijuana Worship" Annoy Anyone Else?

    Wow you really set yourself up for this one huh :eyesmoke: On a forum that promotes marijuana growing/smoking, making an entire thread based off of your opinions of marijuana (most of them seem to be negative...) isnt going to go over well. I havent been here long but this makes me chuckle...
  15. GanJulia

    Using rice to dry buds?

    It's smokable, so ill go ahead and jar it. Thanks! It's a great high and maybe its just that sticky of a bud but I feel like something isn't right..
  16. GanJulia

    Using rice to dry buds?

    Where I live, you don't have either of those options. Bud found is bud bought..
  17. GanJulia

    Using rice to dry buds?

    its real shitty :( :( which is why i'm working double time on my grow operation!! fuck dealers!!
  18. GanJulia

    Using rice to dry buds?

    lol rant on brotha. my question is I dont necessarily think this bud is DRY yet--I do have a mason jar but i'm keeping the buds in an altoid box trying to keep them dry. Should i just stick them into the jar instead? I might be confused with the curing process a little bit--:eyesmoke:
  19. GanJulia

    Using rice to dry buds?

    hahahaha thats awful..
  20. GanJulia

    Using rice to dry buds?

    Sorry are you saying I shouldn't be using rice to dry it? Its buds I bought from a guy thats a little too wet.. should i just hang it up in my closet as if i'm drying the bud myself?