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  1. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    thank you for this post im done with s your dogs.lets get away from this debate! ;)
  2. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    i dont know..your the one that said you dont know what it has to do with gardens....cant get much clearer then that my friend! if it wasnt for my dogs i would have got ripped last yr...they alerted me to the thiefs and all turned out well...a few kids that didnt want the dogs on them. and my...
  3. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    I agree...and if you didnt know, when the dogs were being breed for fighting, if they bit a human or were mean at all to one in the slightest, they were put down! as to not have that behavior passed on..can you imagen a mean ass pitbull in a pit fighting anouther dog, you wouldnt want it to turn...
  4. hoMEGROWengurl

    outdoor bud season . . . post your pics!

    was it bad?
  5. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    ^^^ lmao..ya i had a real clutz once too!
  6. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    werd!!! i try never to be to rude...but come on. he is always rude and i dont know if i have ever heard him be kind. so i hope no one but him is offended by that post :)
  7. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    oh yes and i started a thread just for our dogs..yes i have gotten negitive comments about shoot over there and give the thread some support..ty.
  8. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    lol..those moms, geez lol.
  9. hoMEGROWengurl

    outdoor bud season . . . post your pics!

    wow i got rain to but evrything just looks better...i hope it is over, i see no more rain on the dop, but the forcast says 80% chance. i wish for once they knew what they were talking about!
  10. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    well i saw that you read my if you cant figure it out, i dont know what to tell you. and btw i have read many threads and your voice is always condecending and rude. did you ever hear you catch more flies with honey, then you do vinegar? let us have our thread and if you do not like...
  11. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    they get a bit rowdy when they think we are in danger...that has only happend twice, no one got bit :) they are super friendly. and i would trust them to baby sit before most humans..thanks for the post everyone! keep the pics coming!!
  12. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    he is 1 day old!!
  13. hoMEGROWengurl

    Need Help On What Kind Of Hot Pepper Is This?

    it looks like a serano!!! i have those too :)
  14. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    nice dogs. i love pits, my fav breed. it is so sad when you take your loving, sweet, good mannered pit into town and everyone pulls thier children abck and almost gasp when you walk by. it is a sad sad thing, im a huge believer of punish the deed not the breed. im a big dog lover and think that...
  15. hoMEGROWengurl

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    I hope the Admin wont mind, but i think that we should give credit to our four legged friends!!! post all your guard dog pics here...i will start. these are my boys!! Loki and cannibal!!ilove them they are the best dogs ever!!! i also have a pit on loan, i will try to post a pic of him soon!!
  16. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    not at rarely sarcastic. i said i like your post...i knew you were kidding :) just an awesome dog!!
  17. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    i love the post about the baby...typical stereotype....lmao nice post son______
  18. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    really..i want to buy a female that is like him...but he is almost old enough to breed!!! so i think im gonna try to find a female for him to stud for now.
  19. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think? wolf/lab had pit pups last night!!!
  20. hoMEGROWengurl

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    love this cute. he looks like a good boy too. i love the pic of his profile, looks very noble :) post a pic of the white one if you got it....i like that one too.