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  1. B

    First Timer aeroponics looking for advice/tricks for overall better harvest PICTURES

    I have two airstones at the bottom running 24/7 to oxygenate the roots and when I built this set up I didn't even know that neoprene discs existed. I have pvc pipe inside attached fitted with spray tips pointed at each plant. I was running the water 30 minutes on 30 minutes off but one plant...
  2. B

    First Timer aeroponics looking for advice/tricks for overall better harvest PICTURES

    This is my first time growing and i started from seed in the beginning of March. I'm using fluorescent lighting right now but switching to HPS lights very soon. Any constructive criticism or any helpful tips would be extremely helpful. THANKS p.s. the strain is unknown
  3. B

    Problem with one of my plants (first timer)

    i'm about 8 weeks into my first grow from seed and one of my plants is starting to turn brown on the lower leaves and curl up on the tips on the upper leaves. I thought it might be a build of up nutrient solution so i changed the solution and it does not look like its getting any better. It's...
  4. B

    Has Anyone Else Noticed?

    In New England its like 210 for an oz of kb and at least 300 an oz for headies. Nobody gets dimes or middies anymore, everybody just gets 20/gram headies