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  1. irishboy


    been using for about 3 grows. i love them they work good expasicaly for 90watts. i used hid befor 1000w hps. i notice a diff only because of the 1000w i hade cant bet the 1000. but i just bought a led light thats is = with a 1000hps. i just took the pics with my camera and saved it to my pics on...
  2. irishboy


    i grow with leds, just the way the light makes it look. here are some bigger pics. they are 3 weeks old . now they have flowers poping up everywere. ill post some new pics when i stop being a lazy ass.
  3. irishboy


    those are pics of my current grow, they are 2 shiva skunks and 2 super skunk clones. thanks for the pics
  4. irishboy

    Best reflectors-Need help?

    styrofoam=100% mylar=90-95% mirrors=70% or less aluminum foil=75% flat white paint=85%
  5. irishboy

    Humboldt County's Own

    thanks man.:joint:
  6. irishboy

    Humboldt County's Own

    thanks. you just use it at the end of flowering on 2 times? i always wonderd if it made ur bugs fater.
  7. irishboy

    Humboldt County's Own

    has any one tried Humboldt county's own additives? like their purple max, gravity flower, bush master? just wondering if they work as good as they say they do?
  8. irishboy

    Is 92 degrees really so bad?

    i hade a indica the went to shit from the heat. but now i have some sativas and they are doing fine with temps in 92-100F* they are super skunk and shiva skunk. from what i read most sativas that are mexican, colomban ect. will do fine.
  9. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    i dont know for sure everyone has a differnt saying on tyhat one. edd's book says for every 2 gallon pot size should drain out on gallon of run off. so if you have a 6 gallon pot u should drain out 3 gallons. jorge cervantes say 3x the amount. i trust edd more from reading both books. what i...
  10. irishboy

    my grow notes

    it was ask edd
  11. irishboy

    my grow notes

    their have been studys saying that 24/0 give you more growth. i read it in edd rosenthal book. plants under an 18/6 are producing sugar only 3/4 of the time. they are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. cannabis plants can photosynthesize continuously, so it produces more engry and...
  12. irishboy

    my grow notes

    it just helps keep things clean and makes sure u dont ger lock out.
  13. irishboy

    my grow notes

    here are some of my grow notes i took fron reading books and trial and err. fell free to add somthings i missed or dont know. i would like to get some good growing tips to add, or maybe this will help somone. GROWING TIPS & TRICKS Air temperature · Day = 72-76*F · Night = 62-67*F...
  14. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    i agree. always flush right when lights come on. i thought it was N diffency untill i looked close to the pics. we are both using the same nutes and the a auto ph bufferd. what i always do is flush untill my water comes out clean. with tap water mixed with super lech, then add 1/2 nutes the...
  15. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    as far as the flushing thing i always flush when the light turn on, my friend said the same thing about nature and he got mold from water siting in the dark. its up to u but that just my :idea:. i know you want to give it a feeding at 1/2 strength after flushing.
  16. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    i posted the video so others can see the supernatural nutes i use since its in the video, not for AN, i would be broke if i bought
  17. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    when the lights turn on that way you wont get mold and ect.
  18. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    its kinda hard to see in the pics but are the tips of all ur others leafs gray? if so u might have nute burn, but mostlikly is a difency, flush ur plants untill the water comes out clean and give them a light feeding. what happen is u get salt build up of nute build up and it locks out ur plant...
  19. irishboy

    MY 90watt led ufo tri ban

    but if i bought a nother light for flowering i would get much more yeald. a blue or MH wont give you biger tighter buds just more closer nodes that will help get bud sites close to each other, but u need the floweing light to fill in those spaces. its like would you chose to have one MH the one...
  20. irishboy

    supernatural nutes

    those strength's they list are maxium's. if you are veging u shouldnt have yellowing leafts. post some pics for i can see. but sound like you have a N diffency. do you flush ur medium? u should do it every two weeks. use their stuff called green stay works like a champ.