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  1. L

    What did I do wrong

    Well damn , I did have the light to far away smh I just moved them closer 4 days ago
  2. L

    What did I do wrong

    Feb 8th I switched lights Grow room temp 77h and 43 humidity . Water every 2 days flush on Sunday Currently giving liq plant food , grow big lights in using viparspectra 300w
  3. L

    What did I do wrong

    Man the pistil are brown and I don’t see any nug
  4. L

    Help !!

    Thanks man .. it took some pressure off me big time I don’t want to fuck yo now
  5. L

    Help !!

    Thank mans! It’s my second grow and I did not get big buds last yr .... this grow looks promising for big buds
  6. L

    Help !!

    This what I have
  7. L

    Help !!

    What should I feed her , my ph reader broke the other day so I’ve only giving it water .
  8. L

    Help !!

    Can somebody tell what’s going on ??why are my leaves turning I did a flush yesterday ?? Question #2 why are tops pistils turning brown
  9. L

    Hey guys it’s lj

    so should I toss the male plant
  10. L

    Hey guys it’s lj

    dang that sucks bug time cause I did some training with this one and it turned out perfect
  11. L

    Hey guys it’s lj

    This is my set up for the moment
  12. L

    Hey guys it’s lj

    Yea got from a bagseed
  13. L

    Hey guys it’s lj

    Can anybody tell me what is going on this will be my second grow and I’m not sure if it’s a male or it’s the nutes I’m using ...