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  1. Medical Grade

    breeding question on a auto polinated by a hermi.

    if it is an auto it will sex and start flowering 15-20 days from seed. no matter the light scedule. so it wont take long to find out!
  2. Medical Grade

    Are autos worth it?

    you could always start your regular seeds 30 days later and still have them ready for 12/12 ... but your right, most people dont need a 50+day veg. you can also finish your autos on 12/12 with out to much yield loss.
  3. Medical Grade

    Are autos worth it?

    in response to all the negative nancy's posted above, if you are going to veg some regular genetics under 20/4 light for about 60 days, you can also turn a harvest in the same time, which i did when i got started. and it was a great experience. harvested autos and put the rest on 12/12 for...
  4. Medical Grade

    Are autos worth it?

    I grew afghan kush ryder for my first op and it turned out great. about 1oz to 1.5oz per plant. in 3gal pots under 400watt hps on a 20/4 light cycle.. smoke was great and smell was killer. we really enojyed them! harvest was 55 days from seed.
  5. Medical Grade

    Bud Density

    less humidity and lower temps = tighter buds. genetics also - more indca genes = tighter nigs. more sative genes the more airy the buds will be.
  6. Medical Grade

    Leaves are striped with white?

    Hey Bilbo can you link the tutorial so we can reference it again later? :p
  7. Medical Grade

    Germinating Seeds - Low Tempatures

    ^ easy to spot a weed nerd!
  8. Medical Grade

    The Weed Nerd~

    Goldwave should be able to do that.
  9. Medical Grade

    The Weed Nerd~

    it would be awesome if frenchy had his own sticky thread on here for his hash techniques! :D just sayin..
  10. Medical Grade

    Going from a basic nutrient schedule to a full program, is it worth it?

    what line up for nutrients were you looking at going with?
  11. Medical Grade

    TGA By Others

    In on 420. Happy Friday nerds!!
  12. Medical Grade

    What do you do with used soil?

    I have heard that you can recondition it and reuse it. Foxfarm sells a soil reconditioner pre mixed.
  13. Medical Grade

    Game of Thrones Fans?

    WINTER IS COMING! This season has been kind of slow and content seems to be lacking! like to hit the bong over here too.
  14. Medical Grade

    SURPRISE! Boston fairytale falling apart!

    Take me to your cool aid.
  15. Medical Grade

    Where to get Non-Feminized Auto Seeds?!

    Russian rocket fuel is non fem.
  16. Medical Grade

    SURPRISE! Boston fairytale falling apart!

    Do you have your bunker finished?
  17. Medical Grade

    FnShaggy's Strain: Hippy Beater

    I have not been able to keep up with the thread: Tldr. Can some one give us the quick back story/history on finshaggy and why so many people want physical contact with him?
  18. Medical Grade

    Reggae, who digs it?

    Tribal seeds - the garden. -look this up on youtube!
  19. Medical Grade

    How To Launder My Money?

    He started a new thread: how to hire an attorney and try to get out of jail
  20. Medical Grade

    2 plants from one seed

    Just to be clear, it is best to separate them, they have separate tap roots when they are young so it is easy.