Nice man had a look at the grow room savage set up im just growing out of my wardrobe ive to make do with
the space i have, im growing 1 out my back gardin huge fan leaves i hope it grows nice and big!!
I dont know man i was told honey r sugar, but i will get some mollassas does that help?? thanks for that!!
Nice lookin plants there man ill give your link a look now what strain is that??
Cheers i was just wonderin if it looked good for 4 week in and when should i start flushing and is it ok to have honey in the water when doing so??
Nice pictures by the way nug bong
Hello peoples this is my first post with roll it up, i am just wondering if anybody can tell me if my plant looks ok for 4 weeks into flowering its "jorges diamonds" i would like to hear some tips if anybody has the time Cheers